.44 special test.


New member
I e-mailed the Box O Truth guy to ask if he would test the .44 special. He said that he would probably do so in the future. So keep your eye on that site for that test. Should be neat to see how it stacks up to the .45

I also wanted him to test a .410 000 buckshot load (1135 fps) but he did not seem interested. Said it would not be a good penetrator. That is my point. I think it will be a fine penetrator. It surprised me that he dismissed that so quickly. And in MHOP with the incorrect point of view that less shot = weak. (He was also surprised that the 20ga penetrated as well as the 12. Why? Same fps, same power.)


A .35 caliber lead ball, fully stabilized by rifling, penetrates only 9" of jello. Why? Because it lacks any sectional density and expands to .50+ caliber.

A similar OOO buck pellet, unstable in flight, will penetrate even less.


New member
I don't think you can make that statement about 000 buck w/o taking velocity into account. I can't speak personally to 000, but I could show you some pics of what 00 did, and it was a hell of a lot more than 9" in bare gelatin. There's not that much difference between them.