.44 mag pocket gun...

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Despite what everyone has to say about derringers, my little Bond Arms .44 mag can put every round in the center of a silhouette target at 7 yards with ease. I can't imagine a higher powered weapon in a gun that you can still carry in a pocket.

With practice, it can put a round on target as fast as any other pocket pistol.
In my front pocket, I can have my hand on my gun and ready to draw if the need arises. As a "mugger suprise" I would much rather put a .44 mag 240 gr. JSP in their chest than a .32 or 9mm.

No the gun for a protracted gun fight, but then again, no handgun is.

I have owned P32s, Guardian .32s, NAa minis, Beretta Tomcats, 642s, Kars and everything else. Other than the 642 (which is larger and more bulky in a pocket) non of them have been as reliable as my little mousecanon in my experience.

I know a bunch of you don't like derringers, but I think the BOND is a step above the others and a valid choice for a pocket gun instead of the little poppers.

300 rounds thorugh this little gun and love it!



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New member
i wouldn't mind having one of those but i live in california and they aint approved. ill have to stick with my naa .22 mag, p32, or my pm9 by default.


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5" long and maybe an inch wide or so? Not sure how big a Kahr is. Might be simialr in size. All I know is that I don't have to worry about magazines, failure to fire drills, ammo sensitivity, etc...



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At 7 yards and a derringer I would think a .410 would serve better for self-defense, with less recoil. I can't imagine trying to hang onto that thing well enough for a good follow up shot.


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.410 shells actually don't get up as much steam from such a short barrel. they would still cause a lot of hurt though.

I suppose I am just not recoil sensitive since I don't mind the kick at all.

I agree that a 642 would serve well in a pocket. For me, the derringer is just that much easier to carry since it is 1 1/2" shorter.



New member
My Blackhawk delivers enough pain in a full size handgun. I think if shooting a .44 derringer I would have to duck while shooting so it didn't recoil into my face.
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