44 mag desert eagle loads


New member
I got my dream pistol the other day I loaded some 240gr. and they run fine I have done some reading on various issues with different powders they claim that 180 to 200 grain bullets can be loaded for it the other thing I heard is Eagles like all or nothing so I just thought I would as for some inputs on the board


New member
I've owned two of them over the years. Stay with near maximum loads and you'll do fine in all bullet weights.
Having owned a DE, but sold before I got into reloading, why do you have to stay near max loads?
Is it due to the pistol being gas operated and require that max charge to get the gas pressure up?

Would using a different powder that gives similar pressure, but well below max, with a lower charge weight not yield the same results?


New member
Bingo; its gas system demands jacketed bullets with plenty of pressure.

That needed repeating.
I've seen several DE's locked up tight due to the firing of lead bullets plugging the gas system

44 AMP

I run a 180 JHC with a full charge of AA#9 lit with CCI 350s and my DE eats them like candy. Since I found AA#9 I haven't used anything else in my Desert Eagle. And, comparatively speaking its fairly clean burning.

Once again, NEVER shoot lead bullets! I would also recommend against plated bullets or jacketed bullets with exposed lead at the base.

have been running Desert Eagles since the mide 80s (.357) and 1990 (.44) and haven't plugged mine yet.;)