44 mag brass


New member
Just started reloading 44's, had one shell that wouldn't go in shell holder, measured it and the base measured .526 compared to others at .506, anyone know why this is bigger? It's a Winchester like the rest, they are once fired brass


New member
I have had that happen with Winchester straight-walled, rimmed cases. .44 Spl. and .357. I noticed it with brand-new, unfired cases. I had to dress down the head area with a smooth file to get them to fit the shell holder. Only a few out of each 50 round batch. For this and other case-dimension inconsistencies, I avoid buying Winchester pistol (and rifle if I can find an alternative),cases.


New member

I turned it down to .512 and it went through my reloader,must be inconsistency with Winchester,didn't have that problem with the 2000 or so 9 mm's I've reloaded, and thanks

Mike / Tx

New member
Over the years of loading umteen thousands of rounds for my revolvers I have had a few that were a bit big to fit the holders as well. It happens every once in a while. I simply chuck them up in my drill and like mentioned using a smooth file dress them down to size. This is with new cases however.

Now if your loading to top end loads and find one after shooting that was a good fit before you shot it there is an issue. I usually toss those so as not to have them mixed in with the rest. That could easily be an issue with the hardness of the case head which can lead to other issues later on.


New member

I'll keep an eye on them, by the way, love reloading, do wish the madness was over, it is starting to lighten up some,though


New member
I guess I'm lucky that all my 44 brass is over 20 years old.
Never had this issue.
When I 1st started reloading 44mag I bought 8,000 pieces of brass.
I'm down too around 6,500 now.


New member
I've only ever had the same thing happen to me once in a quarter century at the bench. It was also .44 Magnum brass, but it was -THE- single worst "reloadable" brass cartridge cases that have ever existed on this planet (undisputed), and that was A-Merc.

I gave all three boxes of them to a buddy who knows EXACTLY how bad they are and wanted to play with them anyway.