410 Snake Charmer


New member
I have a single shot 410 Snake Charmer, that I purchased many years ago. Thinking of strictly home security, was just thinking it might be a good one to keep handy, with possibly using slugs, or #4's in it? Has anyone ever seen anything larger than #4 shot for them? I realize it'd be a one shot deal, so if it comes to that, would prefer it be a good shot. Thanks for all your help.


New member
Shot size

Keep in mind that they also make buckshot loads for the .410 and they come in 00 or 000 with 3 or 4 pellets. They arent good for long distance but up close their pretty good.


New member
I've had one for a few years, but never really thought of it for defense. I did shoot a trap course with mine once, but that's a different story. :D

Is yours the shoulder stock or the weird pistol version?

Mine's the pistol version.

In any case just get some buckshot rounds for it, they'll do the job in the case of a single intruder situation. I'd still have another weapon close by in case of multiple attackers, trying to reload those things quickly isn't easy.


New member

I just came across a sweet Snake Charmer at Gander for $139.00 and I think im gonna get for the barn birds. I dont think I could go wrong at that price.


New member
Home defense? No...[if the bad guy is armed, you're screwed!]
Blowing **** up and breaking hand-tossed clays? Hell yeah!

These are hella fun to shoot hand-tossed clays with, except .410 ammo is kinda expensive

I'd be willing to trade my Kel-Tec P32 for a Snake Charmer

Boris Bush


My snake charmer that I have had for 8 years now is the long gun my wife prefers for home defense when it comes to long guns........ Other than a vermin killer on the farm it doubles as a bi-pedal defense mechanism very well. She can make consistant COM hits to 40 yards easily with Federal 1/4oz slugs and from a bench COM hits are easy out to 80.

I do not know about you, but I for sure don't want to be down range if my wife ever bears down on them sights. She is less foregiving than me and will, how can I put this, bust a cap, much faster than I would.........


New member
Broke down and bought it and I actually talked them down to $120.00. Not a scratch on it and it claimed 2 barn pigeons already.:D This thing is a blast and my son and daughter ran thru 2 boxes of shells already shooting cans.


New member
Boris Bush said:
My snake charmer that I have had for 8 years now is the long gun my wife prefers for home defense when it comes to long guns........ Other than a vermin killer on the farm it doubles as a bi-pedal defense mechanism very well. She can make consistant COM hits to 40 yards easily with Federal 1/4oz slugs and from a bench COM hits are easy out to 80.

I do not know about you, but I for sure don't want to be down range if my wife ever bears down on them sights. She is less foregiving than me and will, how can I put this, bust a cap, much faster than I would.........
Those little 88 grain .410 slugs have a hollow base, poor sectional density, and poor penetrating characteristics. There's a whole page on Old Painless' Box o' Truth site that proves this.

A single-shot, break-action, exposed-hammer shotgun isn't a very good choice for home defense.
To each their own...

Boris Bush


I had to sit here for a little bit and think........... I cann't think of a single round I use in any of my current firearms that I have not killed live animals of similar size to humans............

I have watched 120-150 pound deer gasp for air, and try to get up after being shot with said rounds............

I have read the box o truth a few times and I have yet to see tests on real flesh that was alive before it was shot.

I listened to a local expert at the range rant like a crazed preacher that a 9mm does not travel 100 yards!! Why would he rant like that? Because my buddy just set 5 clays on the 100 yard berm to shoot with his XD9......... While he did not hit all 5 with 5 shots, they were all broken before the mag was empty....

An exposed hammer 7 shot 45 caliber handgun with less ME than my wifes chosen long gun and load is not a good choice. Especialy from what I have seen it do to live animals

Moral of the story, well all of my stories at that, are I kind of take more stock in my own experience than what some truth teller tells what they think might happen to a live animal based on backyard science...............

That and I like laughing at "men" that get out shot by my wife when I take her to the range...............


New member
Mine is the "weird" pistol grip style. Originally purchased as a deterrent while driving an over the road semi. Never had to draw it, but it made me feel a lot safer while in the sleeper in some of the East Coast Truckstops.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Never fire .45 Colt in a .410 shotgun, unless the gun was specifically designed for it!!
Chamber presures are much higher on pistol ammunition than shotgun shells.

stevens double

New member
Reply to rburch

Recently I saw a shotgun that looks exactly like the Field Gun you have pictured. I cannot find reference to it anywhere. The one I saw was an H&R Model 099 (not 99) and was stamped MOD on the barrel top at the breech end. Black stock, not a thumbhole, 20 gauge, nickel finish and short barrel with a bead front sight. I have seen reference to Model 99's and Snake Charmers,but not Model 099, or full-stocked, short barreled, Modified choke 20 gauge types like I saw. Can ya help me?
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New member
if .410 is what you are going to use for home defense i would choose nothing other than the 00 or 000 buckshot loads, that a previous poster mentioned that have 3 or 4 pellets in it. maybe a .410 breneke slug if they make it.


New member
Is it possible to mount another stock on one of these and be legal, of course? Who would make a stock that would fit?