.410 for home defense?


New member
I carry a g33 .357 sig for home defense . Just picked up a .410 cai coach gun with rabbit ears for a steal. Would the 410 loaded with buck shot be a good choice as a second home defese weapon? or would i just **** someone off? thanks milky

Scattergun Bob

New member

My First rule of a gunfight is "to HAVE A GUN, within reason most any gun will do."

I caution that a .410 bore is close to the outside edge of the "within Reason" clause of the above statement. At close range .410 bore could be effective with the right load, however your SIG would do much better.

Coach Guns by their nature amplify one of the fundamental limitations of scatterguns, limited ammo supply. After two rounds it makes a reasonable club:eek:. Also, rabbit ears are hard to work with (in comparison to modern action types) at 3AM startled awake!

I am not fond of leaving a chambered round in a scattergun for long term storage, what condition of readiness will you use?

Hope this helps

Good Luck & Be safe

James R. Burke

New member
I dont think fine shot is a bad idea. It will stay together almost like a slug a close range, and it wont go thru other walls where people might be. Not to found of rabbit ears or leaving a gun loaded all the time. Just my thoughts I am sure alot of people wont aggree with me.


New member
410 is the same dia as 45LC, so it's not like it's a joke.

I'm not familiar with the specifics of the ballistics of different 410 loads, I think most of the home defense related ballistics tests I've seen were just on 12 ga.


New member
I went to junior high with a kid who got shot in the neck and face with a 410 loaded with birdshot I guess it must have been about 12 years ago. He was trying to break in to an old mans house, In Levelland, TX. I think he learned his lesson, but he was back at school in 1 week.


New member
Scattergun Bob said:
I am not fond of leaving a chambered round in a scattergun for long term storage, what condition of readiness will you use?
A very good question!
What's the equivalent of cruiser ready with a coach gun?
With a rabbit eared coach gun, if you store with the hammers down over loaded chambers do you create a significant potential for a fall-and-fire incident? Does this gun have true hammers, or are they external cocking levers, pretending to be hammers, that can't be lowered after being set?


Willie Lowman

New member
.410s can be loaded with three pellet 000 buck shells. Three 36 caliber balls going 1,000+fps. Danger Man says NO!

As far as birdshot wounds go, two kids I went to school with got shot accidentally. One boy got a 16 gauge to the side of his head at very close range. It fractured his skull and he nearly died. A girl was shot in her right butt cheek with a 12 gauge on Christmas day. I saw the scar a few years after the fact, entire right cheek looked like purple hamburger.

Birdshot can kill people. That said, birdshot is not a good choice for stopping attackers. It simply isn't the right load.


New member
If it will take 3" shells, you would have 5 pellets of 00 buck shot IIRC. I use a bolt action .410 as a backup HD weapon. It does take 3" shells and I have it loaded with 00, slug, 00, slug and 00.


New member
00 lead buckshot pellets weigh ~54 grains each. At 1230 fps each one would deliver about the same energy as typical 380 ammo. But if one counts all five pellets in a 3"er, that would roughly equal 44 magnum energy.


New member
I'm dure you'll be fine. I have a G19 and a Mossberg 500E on standby with 3 2.5" OOO and 2 3" 00. Why no 12 gauge? My wife doesn't like it


New member
I've heard reports of the 3" 5 pellet 000 buck load being very deadly on deer. It's a tends to be a tight pattering load, so not ideal for short range SD, but it would likely drop an attacker dead in his tracks with decent shot placement.

I just might start using it as my deer load.


New member
Buck shot load is pretty devastating from all calibers. I am not sure the multiplier of multiple hit shot but it is really not linear. A 45ACP double tap quadrupples the impact force of the hit in foot/ lbs.


New member
What's the equivalent of cruiser ready with a coach gun?

I keep a butt cuff with 5 rounds on my 12ga. Coach Gun and two shells tucked under the cuff. When I need it, I load those two first & keep the five for reloads. With a .410, you could probably use a 6rd. cuff for a rifle and do the same thing....