41 rimfire

Are you talking 1 or 2 rounds for display, or for actual shooting?

I don't think shootable quantities of .41 rimfire have been available since before World War II.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Maybe 15 years ago, Navy Arms had a batch made up. I have a box of 50. They are copper case, the headstamp is a "V". No indication of the actual manufacturer.

Navy Arms had some .32 Short and .32 Long rimfire made at about the same time.

All three calibers turn up at gun shows now and then, and Old Western Scrounger had it for a while, but I think they are out. You might check www.OWS-ammo.com and see.



New member
Can it be reloaded?

Definitely no. Rimfire cartridges do not have a separate primer. The priming compound is spun into the rim at time of manufacture. The .22 long rifle is a current example.

What gun do you have that shoots .41 rimfire? Is it a Remington double derringer? Whatever it is, you might want to not shoot it because of its value as a collector. If it is old you should probably have it checked by a gunsmith before shooting it anyway.


New member
As was mentioned, Navy Arms has small lots made up every now and then. I think they have them made in Brazil for the 41's. They show up at gun shows now and then. You might want to check Navy Arms and see if they have another run planned anytime soon. It would be sad to pay $75/box, then a couple months later they turn up for $30/box.

I recall seeing someone mention that the Navy Arms 41 rimfire shells they had shot didn't fire reliably. Anyone else have any experience with them?
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New member
The .41 rimfire was a very low pressure black powder cartridge developed for the Remington double derringer back in the 1800's. Any gun designed for it would be blown completely apart by .41 magnum pressures. The .41 magnum is about three times as long as the .41 rimfire. Also the .41 magnum is a centerfire cartridge while the .41 rimfire is a rimfire cartridge. The two systems are incompatible.

What kind of gun do you have? It may be worth far more as a collector than a shooter. If it is a collector, any modifications to it, even if they could be made, would destroy its value as a collector.


New member
hat ammo would you use 41 mag? Is there a 41 cartridge other than the magnum?

There were .41 Short and Long Colt cartridges; I believe the centerfire conversion would use the .41 Short Colt since dimensions are similar.

roy reali

New member

Definitely no. Rimfire cartridges do not have a separate primer. The priming compound is spun into the rim at time of manufacture. The .22 long rifle is a current example.

Actually rimfires can be reloaded. It is difficult and dangerous. But not impossible.