.41 Magnum Fest


New member
I got to the range this morning. (0ne of the advantages of being a self-employed ink-stained wretch is that I can shoot on Monday morning.) I took three .41 Magnums, two Redhawks and a Smith M57. Ammo was Remington factory "Police Loads" mid velocity rounds. I also had some reloads. The blued five and a half inch barreled Redhawk was a new acquisition back in the winter. Weather, flu and forgetting the ammo when I did get to the range kept me from shooting it for months. I found out this morning that it is a sweet shooting revolver. The Pach Presentations soaked up what recoil there was and the groups I shot at 50 feet were pretty good for a rusty shooter who was freezing. It was supposed to graze 60 today and didn't get above the high 40s, if that. At least it didn't rain, or snow.
I followed up the blued Redhawk with its brother The Stainless One. It has a seven and a half inch barrel and factory wooden grips. They look good but slide some in my grip. Groups were an inch or two larger than with the blued gun. I blame it on the grips. They used to feel good, but after using Pachs they seem lacking.
The Old Warhorse had to be shot too, of course. The M57 has been around a while. I used to shoot it at the old Second Chance Combat Shoot where I often wished it was a seven shot gun.
Challenged, it put four shots into about an inch two handed standing from 50 feet. I pulled two left, making about a three inch group.
This isn't very good shooting, but it was better than I thought I might do after shooting a few .22s and a rifle or two in the last few months. I had to stop fairly often to take pictures. (One of the problems with being a self-employed ink-stained wretch is that you have to shoot film at the range almost every time you go.)
After shooting the handguns my son and I shot a classic rifle, a Winchester 52 with a vintage Fecker scope. I didn't do as well as I wish I had, but I have some 56 degree days coming to practice.


New member
Well, here I was feeling pretty good about how my morning went, and you go and make me jealous! :) Gotta love those .41s!