40mm or 50mm scope ??


New member
I've already decided my scope purchase will be a bushnell 3200 Elite.
But.... the 3X9 is offered in both a 40mm & a 50mm version. My purpose will be woodchuck shooting at 75-100 yards with a Rem 700 in 243 Winchester. What is the advantage of the 50mm?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
The 50mm version should be slightly brighter in low light. With relatively low magnification like 3-9 and a quality scope like the Elite, it really shouldn't matter much either way.

BTW, why a 243 at 100 yards and less? Is it your only option? I'm genuinely curious. I've killed a bunch of woodchucks and at those ranges a 22 with CCI Stingers, or the like, is entirely adequate and a whole lot cheaper to shoot and quieter.


New member
Get the 40mm. The 50mm won't be enough benefit for the disadvantages of higher mounting, weight, and probably expense.


New member
I agree with Zoomie.

Most of the time groundhogs come out in the afternoon and well before dark. The advantage of the 50mm bell over the 40 would be insignificant.

The advances in last few years in grinding lenses and optical coating make it a crap shoot if bigger is better.

I have both 40 and 50 mm. bells but I do not hunt anymore. The 40 mm are easier to mount without the need of high or extra high rings and makes for a slimmer look. I would go with the 40 mm.;)


New member
Thanks for the replies. I will go with the 40mm. I already have a base and rings that fit this rifle. I don't think the rings are tall enough for the 50mm anyway.
Peetsakiller, why a 243 you ask....
I was given the rifle a few years back. I have not done anything with it except keep it clean and oiled. I do shoot woodchucks off my deck in the backyard with my ruger 10/22 all summer long. Most are under 100 yrds.
With this 243 I plan shooting some woodchucks and maybe a coyote or two at 150 acres of farmland I recently gained permission to hunt on. I may have spoke a bit short in my opening post regarding the yardage. Range is likely to be a bit farther at the farmland now that think about it. More along the lines of 150 yards or so. I want to start out by taking the farthest shots offered just because this caliber is capable of it.
Thanks for the interest.

Buzzard Bait

New member
40 mm for me

I have a elite 3200 40mm and it is great mine is 10 power forget what the low end is 3X or 4X. One of my hunting friends is a fan of another brand of quality optics that starts with L, he sort of scoffed at it so we did a side by side twilight test reading a pipe line warning sign about a hundred yards away as the sun went down my 3200 could read the sign for about 4 or five more minutes than his. I think you will like the scope I would go for the 40mm it mounts lower and weighs a little less.