40 or 45


New member
I'm getting ready to buy another pistol, probably a S&W M&P. I'm trying to decige between the 40 and the 45. Any pros and cons would help me decide.Thanks


New member
i only got to fire a box of range reloads through one, but I LOVED the m&p40 I rented at the local range. huge fun and very accurate for my first time shooting the caliber..

I hated the XD45 I shot...dont know how comparable the two in .45 are..


New member
What other guns have you got?

Without any other info, I would recommend the 45, simply because I feel it is a better round for us reloaders. It is lower pressure, and therefore, there is a bit more room for error.

45 is also easy to spot on the floor, next to all the 40 and 9mm, because of the wide extraction groove. But 40 is the most popular free brass at my local range these days.


New member
As I'm relatively new to the forum I'll post a reply, but if you search the threads this is covered often and usually opens a can of worms.

.40 - more capacity while making a slight concession in stopping power

.45 - slightly more stopping power while making a concession in capacity

.40 is typically available in slightly smaller (9mm size) platforms than the .45, but that increases felt recoil we will talk about below and usually degrades accuracy and follow-up shots.

I have both calibers in a few platforms. The .40 is more snappy and honestly for a newer person is more difficult to control. The .45 is a bit slower recoil like a "push" vs. the .40's "explosion". I have had to deploy both in the line of duty and the .45 does have more intimidation factor IMHO (but don't count on that for anything).

Ammunition for the .40 is a little cheaper than the .45, both are readily available.

If for some reason you are restricted to FMJ Ball type ammo, go with the .45, today's "super bullets" considerably shrink any performance gap between the two.

In short, find which one you shoot well because everything else will be pretty negligible in performance.

When it comes to any handgun load there honestly won't be a huge difference if you should unfortunately ever have to use it. If everything goes wrong and you have to deploy your weapon, you won't shoot someone with a .40 and have them say "well thank god it wasn't a .45".
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Don P

New member
can you reload .40 and 9mm?

To the OP. Do you have any other handguns in 40 or 45? That would help me decide which caliber to buy depending what I already own. More calibers, more reloading dies, brass and bullets to buy and stock.
As they say at times K.I.S.S. works


New member
Ahh, some realistic info.
Thanks Chainman.
The caliber isn't nearly as important as other considerations.
Like the skill of the shooter.
Or the cost and availability of the ammo.
Because it takes a lot of practice to be good, especially with handguns.
Just pick the one you shoot best and will shoot a lot.
The one that fits the hand, is the most controllable, especially with quick follow up shots, and practice, practice.................
The more you use it, the more comfy and natural it will become anyways.
No matter what it is.


New member
I guess you have to shoot them to find out.

I can pick up my 9mm Monday (have shot only an old german luger in 9mm) and a ton of .45. and never a .40.

It is hard if you live in a city and have limited access to a range etc.

But soon i can shoot the heck out of my new px4 and decide at least which i like better between 9 and .45. I like the .45, just wanted higher capacity.

And I will investigate what I need to get for my Dad's loader to do 9mm.
I'm getting ready to buy another pistol, probably a S&W M&P. I'm trying to decige between the 40 and the 45.
The question wasn't what pistol to buy, it was which caliber for a specific pistol.

Basically, the choice comes down to perceived recoil. Being a higher pressure round, the .40 is going to have a faster, "snappier" recoil. It's going to feel like it kicks more. The .45 is a slower recoil that's more of a push back than a quick snap and muzzle flip.

I had a friend who was facing this same question shoot my Para P13.45 and P15.40 side-by-side. He WAS certain that the .45 "kicks too much." After he tried both rounds in the exact same pistol, he realized that the .45 actually shoots a lot smoother.


New member
DonP, the only other handgun I own now is a SW 9VE. Another delima has reared it's ugly head. The more I look at the Taurus 24/7 the better it looks.


New member
40S&W... Nearly as effective as a 45, more rounds, slightly cheaper ammo, thinner frames typically.
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New member
You get more rounds with the .40, a smaller gun (slightly), cheaper ammo, and absolutely no decline in the mythical "stopping" power against humans. However, the .45 ACP has a lower decibel rating, so it won't be as loud, and a slightly more tolerable recoil impulse to some people.

I have guns in both, and have no true preference either way for SD. I like .45 for target shooting and reloading a little better.


S&W military and police line, rebate offers...

Both the .40S&W & the larger MP45 pistols have much to offer.
Depending on the uses/carry I'd lean towards a MP40 with night sights & the ambi safety but the .45acp pistol has a lot of good press too.
I'd also keep your peepers peeled for a S&W rebate offer. The company sometimes sends email messages with good deals.
I came very close to buying a new M&P 9x19mm compact in 2008. The sale price was about $380.00 after rebate AND included 2 S&W 9mm magazines.

See www.SmithandWesson.com .


New member
The .40 is more snappy and honestly for a newer person is more difficult to control. The .45 is a bit slower recoil like a "push" vs. the .40's "explosion".

Best description of the difference I have seen


New member
From an accuracy standpoint, the .45 is a lot easier to find a sweet load that'll group...I haven't heard of any .40's that were really accurate right out of the box...Rod

Harry Callahan

New member
I have experience both rounds in numerous guns. Took me awhile to cozy up to the .40, but after having bought an M&P40 I have fallen in love with this round. Perhaps it comes down to the correct platform for each round. Don't get me wrong, I still have a special place in my heart for the .45, it's just that the .40 has become more and more attractive at this point.

Terry A

New member
I have multiple pistols in both calibers but have to admit I'm very partial to the .45 ACP. That being said, the .40 is a very good defensive round. You get an extra round or so w/ a .40 cal model, (along w/ a very sharp "crack" when it's fired) vs the venerable 230 gr ammo that the .45 ACP launches.

My advice is to shoot both & see what you like best. You may be surprised that you like one far more then the other, or you may well end up liking them both, as many of us do. Either way, you're going to be very satisfied!