40,000 Injured or Killed a YEAR by.......


New member
Chainsaws in America. Surely these death machines should be banned to protect the children.

Amazing what one can learn from watching TV sometimes. I wonder how many 100's of millions dollars costs the economy each and every year?? Chainsaws have no place in a civilized sociey such as ours! Lets push to get them banned.



Yeah. Why can't those timber companies hire more people and get them to use axes? They must be corrupt! Let's get the chainsaw and timber industries shut down! I wouldn't be surprised if they were using profits to fund Al Qaeda.
Clearly it's an act of God to put all these trees in the way that should be dynamited instead of sawn down. I'd sue the church (any church) because of these acts of God (including the weather).


New member
I think we should ban the "evil looking" chainsaws first. The National Chainsaw Association would never let us ban all chainsaws outright. One step at a time my fellow anti-chainsawers.


New member
How about just plain shoot'n at em. Instead of shooting for groups, we shoot across the darn tree till it falls over!

Lots of work, but real fun!

Gotta go! Need to reload some more ammo, much more. need to kill (cutdown) some trees! :D


And then there's household appliances, buckets of water, swimming pools, trampolines .... there needs to be a regulatory body and legislation for each one!


New member
What are you talking about? Axes? Dynamite? Shooting them down? No, no, no. Clearly anything that can take down a tree can be used to kill, just as the deadly chainsaw can.

The only way to solve this problem and save the children is to ban logging completly, and simply get over our dependency on paper and wood.


New member
Chain Saws

In our area most logging is done with huge shears.This includes pulp wood and saw logs. Chain saws with large bars are used to cut very large trees that the mechnical harvesters cant handle.We still use saws to cut firewood and for pruning. They are dangerous and one must use common sense and wear protective chaps and other safety gear when working with them.


New member
I heard, in the OC Register's letters to the editor, that Haliburton or other Bush cronies have a giant lawn mower-like thing that they're going to run over the entire Pacific Northwest once they get this road thing worked out. That'll be cool.


After all, what do civilians need these powerful chain saws for? The outcry is from extremist logger wannabe's who fantasize about the professionals they see on ESPN2.

My research of late 18th century probate records clearly shows that most Colonial homes didn't even have AXES, much less the more useful one- and two-man bucksaws. Thus, the entire concept of American society as having a long affiliation with privately held logging tools is a recent invention of Stihl, Husquevarna and Craftsman and the rest of the "chainsaw lobby".

Mr. and Mrs. America, If you need to cut down a tree, don't take the logging into your own hands. Call a professional.

Meanwhile, someone call a plumber. My notes are in that flooded basement.


New member

Don't give them idea's :p

P.S. I sure hope you do not have the "MS 880 STIHL Magnum™" Those anti-logging people would have a fit. ;)

Lizzy - your suggestion about getting away from paper and wood products won't work. It's not like cars where we can hop on a bicycle or walk and not need gas or diesel. The trees will encroach upon us and destroy our homes, cities and roads. We will be driven into the desert to wander like the Jews (Moses should have had a compass or gotten up earlier in the morning to figure out east) for years to come. Tree encroachment threaten all that we know as civilized living. It's a life or death struggle between them and us. We must ensure that every household exercises its right to own and use chainsaws.

Brought to you by the Chainsaw Mfg Assn., Chainsaw Owners' Assn., and Chainsaw Massacre TalkGroup.com.


New member
Very interesting post, but all kidding aside, we have some Canadian snowbirds that shoot with at our club every winter, and they told us that, in their province anyway, you DO have to get a permit to buy and use a chainsaw! Big brother watching out for the health and wellbeing of it's children.


New member
Moses should have had a compass or gotten up earlier in the morning to figure out east
North -

East would'a put 'em in the drink.

Mose didn't start wandering until after the 10 commandents/Mt.Sinai/golden calf thing, IIRC.

Speaking of which - take it as inspired gospel or oral history or moral story,,any which way you want....(the golden calf thing).

Funny isn't it how history repeats itself? Here's a bunch of people that saw a sea parted and a big ole finger of flame come out of the sky,,so whatta they do? Put together a golden idol to worship,,duh!!

Things change over the millenea? Yeah right! here we are a few thousand years later doing the same old same old. 'stead of a golden calf, people drag out a milliom mom march or some nonsense. Or *blame* something like a gun or a chainsaw. Or put their "faith" in a nanny state or "big brother" to watch over them.

"Safety" has become the national religon. Problem is that it's parshiners and high preists/priestess have forgotten the basics. - Lord helps those that helps themselves. They ain't *helpin themselves. By that I mean they ain't doin their part.

I'll stop now 'cause this could be construed as being religious in nature and I don't mean it to be.