4 Royal Candian Mounted Police Killed in Drug Raid


Royal Canadian Mounted Police Killed

I find these men's deaths tragic and uncalled for. I believe they were dedicated LEOs doing their duty and the fault lies in Canada's Federal laws. Gun laws and liberal "do it if it feels good" laws.

These LEOs were sent to break up a suspected MJ operation and being under the insane anti gun laws of Canada likely thought or were ordered to go with handguns. In a sensible Country with sensible laws they would or should have been armed with submachineguns and shotguns.

Canada is equally guilty of killing these men as the slime ball or plural slime balls that killed them.


New member
I agree

It says that SWAT was called after the intial officers (armed with hanguns only) were shot.

Why wasn't the SWAT team serving this. I really don't have much experience with the way Canada handles LEO matters but this sure seems "high risk" enough that they should of had some better equipped officers handling this.


New member
Ok! Just going by what CNN reported that morning after it happend.

"CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) -- Four Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers were shot and killed during a raid on a marijuana-growing operation in rural Alberta Thursday"


Four more holes in the myth that marijuana growers are harmless.
