4" Python .357


New member

too hi to take one & make a shooter out of it !!!!
i traded a nib royal blue 4" for 2 GPs & 500 rnds ammo!!
shootin the mess out of dem GPs !!!



New member
too hi to take one & make a shooter out of it !!!!
Shop around and you can find quite a few shooter grade Pythons. Not all of them are safe queens. Right many are working guns.


I spent three weeks on auction sites before i got my 6" python.
It probably was fired befoer but its hard to tell. looked NIB but was sold as "Used"
Paid 1200 for it and was happy about it.
saw some shooters on gunbroker around 800 and one admitted "beater" for 700. (all 6")
NIB seems to be 1500 and up for 6".
4" pythons were about the same if i remember right.
Pricey, but its a nice shooter!


I got a great Python, Nickel, 4", at an unbelievable low price of $439, at local store, or rather a chain-store in my locale. Test fired only.

Got a $287 Colt Detective, series 2, good shape, shoots like a dream at another local store.

So, I'd advise getting reasonable to bargain prices at local stores, and premium prices on internet auction sites. Stick with the first, a Python will come your way.


New member
So about 700 or more?

I'm going to have to go with the "more" on that answer.
Expect to shop hard to find a decent 4 inch shooter for $800.
Every now and then you may get lucky and find one cheaper.
That probably won't happen on the auction sites.
The 4 incher is a little less common that the 6 inch tube.

Good luck.



New member
I agree about the price being more than $700. Condition and age are critical. The earlier models demand a premium. If you want one 95% or better, expect to pay over $1,000. If you want a mechanically sound shooter grade, you might find one for $700 but I agree with Gunkwazy. Expect it to be a more, maybe 800 to 850. The cheapest I've seen a Python in some time was a 6 inch mechanically sound shooter grade with replacement stocks for $650. My gun budget was stretched so I had to pass. :(


New member
I got a great Python, Nickel, 4", at an unbelievable low price of $439, at local store, or rather a chain-store in my locale. Test fired only.

What year was that, 199? :D

I acquired a 4" bright stainless Python about 5 years ago in 97% condition for $900, and I thought that was a good deal. It came with the factory Colt Medallion Pachmayers. The same dealer also had a blued one in 99% condition for $1200 and and fully engraved, unfired, blued 4" w/ wooden presentation box for $2800. No, Pythons don't come cheap, but they are SWEET revolvers :)


$439 Python

I got a great Python, Nickel, 4", at an unbelievable low price of $439, at local store, or rather a chain-store in my locale. Test fired only.

What year was that, 199?

As weird as it seems, it was a little over a year ago: here it is in store:


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New member
Looking at used ones for shooters, you better check very closely. First off it is gonna be expensive up front, then, if the timing is off, etc, you are looking probably at alot more to get it fixed up. It ain't like a Smith, that you can maybe drop in some replacement parts or get alot of people that can work on it. In that respect it is probably like an expensive Italian sports car, you might find a deal on one, and if the engine needs work, $$$!

357 Python

New member
I hope this adds to the idea that they can be as much (used) as some new S&W models or more. Two years ago I picked up a 4" Python shooter for $800 OTD. I would say the blue is about 85-90% with worn grips. From the wear pattern I would guess it was a police gun. For what its worth I still believe I got a decent deal. It shoots like a dream. Someone worked on the mainspring to lighten the pull.


New member
I found a guy selling a 4" blued 1 owner gun he bought in 1984 (has paperwork with it) in 99% for $1200!!! :eek: 2 questions, 1 is it worh it (for your area), 2 would you shoot it?

Flame Red

New member
I found a guy selling a 4" blued 1 owner gun he bought in 1984 (has paperwork with it) in 99% for $1200!!! 2 questions, 1 is it worh it (for your area), 2 would you shoot it?

That seems a bit high for a shooter. I have noticed the last couple of gun show around here that a few shooter grade Pythons have popped out of the wood work at more reasonable prices - under $800. I think people are hurting.

For $1200 I would expect it to be more for a collector, assuming it had the box and everything. No I would not shoot it - there are enough shooters out there in decent shape for cheaper. But of course, you are not finding them because you want one!


New member
Regardless of what it costs - if you like it / want it - then buy it and shoot it.

You work hard for your money - why not spend it and enjoy it - and shoot the guns you love. Easy for me to say as I near my mid 60's, but life is a journey guys - you have to enjoy the journey - and shooting some fine guns ( and I don't care if they cost $5,000 ) is part of it - spending money on a safe queen will never make any sense to me.

For the gun you are looking at - $1,000 is a very good deal. But if you enjoy it / and really enjoy it for 25 years that $ 40 a year .....in today's money that's a lot of enjoyment for $ 40 a year .... I know I'm a bad influence - but buy what you can afford and have some fun with it for a long time. If it works for you to buy a safe queen - then do that - but it doesn't work for me.


agree with BigJim.
I wanted a 99% or better python no matter what the cost.
i paid $1200 for a LNIB shipped and have put a couple hundred rounds thru it.you wont be sorry if you buy one!


New member
The few 4" blue models I've seen for sale lately have all been in the $1,000.00 and up range.
They are pretty pricey.



New member
I got mine a couple years ago -- $700 OTD -- absolutely fantastic deal (CA stds). Great shooter and appraised at 93% - 95%. At least I have one off my wish list :D


New member
HK --

I personally think that is a good deal on a python for that price provided it checks out and is really 99% and original stocks et. al. Were it bright SS and I saw it I'd be a buyer at that price.

In fact I suspect you would not get hurt if you decided to re-sell at that price. But again all things are relative and with the economy where it is at several friend are already noticing a slowdown in the non-essential sales so I suspect higher end use gun prices may get soft here for a year or two.

As to shoot or not... up to you; if I wanted a blue python I'd buy right around that price point; a gun that might even be worth a 100 more or so right now; then I'd shoot it enough to enjoy it but not beat the heck out of it and hope that if I wanted to sell in the future I'd likely get my original money out as they keep going up in value even if I have comitted the sin of shooting it.