4 OPD killed/Gun control does not work


New member
I'm not sure how many of you guys have heard about this, but three brothers in blue were gunned down this afternoon in Oakland, Ca. What really pisses me off about the whole deal is the suspect used an AK-47. Well the media/liberals are all ready crying out that we need to ban assault weapons....This just proves gun laws do not work. As we all know assault weapons are already banned in this wonderful state of Kalifornia. CRIMINALS WILL AWAYS BE ABLE TO GET GUNS!!! Not to mention he was on Parole. As a LEO I'm in favor of assault weapons and believe all law biding citizens should be able to own one. Anyways that my little rant, my prayers go out the fallen officers and their families.


New member
wow very tragic indeed :(

The article for anyone wanting to know the full details
Four Oakland police officers were shot in the line of duty Saturday on the streets of Oakland in two separate shootings.

Oakland Police Shooting
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Three Oakland, Calif. police officers were shot and killed in the line of duty on Saturday. A fourth officer is clinging to life after being shot as well....

Grief Hits Oakland Police Department
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A parolee with a no bail warrant shoots five Oakland police officers Saturday. Three are dead and one clings to life. Now a department has to find a way...

OPD Answer Questions on Deadly Shootings
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A gunman killed three officers and gravely wounded another in two shootings Saturday, the first after a routine traffic stop and the second after a massive...

Chief Howard Jordan
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Five police officers were shot, three dead, and one clings to life late Saturday.

KNTV Report Feature Officer Mark Dunakin
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Officer Mark Dunakin was featured in a report that aired on KNTV in May, 2002.

Three have died and the fourth is clinging to life.

Never in the history of any Bay Area police department have so many officers been killed on the same day.

Oakland's acting Police Chief Howard Jordan made the grim announcement just after 9 p.m. Saturday.

The officers have been identified as 41-year-old John Hege, 40-year-old Mark Dunakin, 43-year-old Ervin Romansa and 35-year-old Daniel Sakai.

Hege and Dunakin were traffic cops.

Romansa and Sakai were members of the SWAT team.

Hege is the officer who remains clinging to life late Saturday. Dunakin, Romansa and Sakai were declared dead.

A fifth officer suffered a minor injury in the apartment building. He was treated and released Saturday.

KNTV featured Officer Dunakin was featured in a news article that aired in May, 2002. You can watch him at work by clicking on the last "watch video" on the list to your left.

Police said the suspect, Lovell Mixon, 27, from Oakland, was on parole for assault with a deadly weapon. He had no-bail warrant for his arrest for violating parole. The Oakland Tribune reported Mixon had prior convictions in Alameda County for grand theft and possession of marijuana.

"This is probably one of the worst incidents that has ever taken place in this history of the Oakland police department," Oakland police spokesman Jeff Thomason said.

The violence started with a traffic stop just two blocks from the Eastmont sub-station.

Police said Mixon wielded two different weapons. One gun was used at the first scene and an assault rifle was used at the apartment building where he was hiding.

"(Mixon) was on parole and he had a warrant out for his arrest for violating that parole. And he was on parole for assault with a deadly weapon," said Oakland police Deputy Chief Jeffery Israel.

The tragedy began when two motorcycle patrol officers pulled a driver over for a routine traffic stop in the 7600 block of MacArthur Boulevard just after 1 p.m. Saturday.

Witnesses say the driver got out of his car and shot both officers before running away.

Another witness, who did not want be identified, told the Tribune he heard gun fire and then saw the officers laying on road.

The man told the reporter: "I went over to one officer and saw he was bleeding from his helmet pretty bad. The other officer was laying motionless."

The man said the officer laying near a car had two gun shot bullets near in his face. One bullet was lodged in his jaw and the other in his neck. The man said he gave the officer CPR until other police arrived.

A huge police presence immediately swarmed the scene, including members of the Oakland police department, the Alameda County Sheriff's Department, the CHP and a SWAT team as they searched for the shooter.

The Oakland police helicopter also flew overheard as well as television helicopters.

Shortly after the first shooting, police learned a man was barracaded in a nearby building.

Just after 3 p.m., at 73rd and Hillside SWAT teams entered the building in search of the man. A shoot-out followed with two additional Oakland SWAT officers being hit by gunfire.

The suspect was also shot and killed.

Many streets near the Eastmont Town Center were closed including busy 74th Avenue for most of the day and into the night.

All of the injured officers were taken to Highland Hospital. Just after 4 p.m. the coroner was called to Highland, although it was not immediately announced that any officers had died.

Highland hospital is a trauma center. A crowd gathered outside the hospital emergency room, including dozens of officers in uniform waiting for word on the condition of their fellow officers. Many officers were crying and hugging each other as they waited for word from their comrades.

Back at the original crime scene people taunted police near the scene of the first shooting. Tensions between the community and members of the police department has been high since the New Year's Day shooting of an unarmed man by a BART police officer. A protest following that deadly shooting lead to a violent and fiery protest in the streets of Oakland.

The former BART, Johannes Mehserle, has pleaded not guilty to a murder charge. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Monday.

The last Oakland officer who was killed in 2004, William Seuis, 39, died in a hit-and-run crash.

The last time Oakland lost two officers in one day was in 1974 when Gabe Guider and Wendell Troyer died in a helicopter crash.

A group of Oakland ministers also went to the hospital to offer prayers and condolences to the family members of the injured officers and the dozens of Oakland police officers who gathered there.

They said that on Sunday morning they would urge their parishioners not to let the event tear the city apart."


New member
What really pisses me off about the whole deal is the suspect used an AK-47.

1 What article says that?

2 I bet you money that this was not an AK-47, but a gun that LOOKED like an AK-47.


New member
Well at least they don't have to keep the guy alive for 50 years on tax money in prison now, like Manson. But maybe he should not even have been out. Or actually, we know he should not have been out.

Sebring Pop

New member
There is NO reason in the world anyone should have a long criminal record. When they get a short criminal record, that's the time to put them away FOR GOOD. As far as I'm concerned they had their chance to rehabilitate and it did not work so why give them another chance.
This guy had a long criminal record, so why was he be allowed to be on the streets.

Thanks Pop


New member
NOT an "assault rifle"

We should stop buying into the media "assault weapon" hype. A semi-auto AK is NOT an "assault rifle" and we should not refer to it as such. Way too easy to buy into that BS. A semi-auto AK is functionally no different than a 10/22 or mini-14 or an 1100. An AR15 is not the same as an M4 even though appearance it similar.

We're going to be back to banning guns on appearance/fright factor and it's a slippery slope from there.

If the shooter actually had a full-auto, he was in violation of a multitude of existing laws.
Yep, I heard this story on my way to work this morning.
Sad sad day, my friends.

It does anger me that people are using the term "assault rifle", but it angers me so much more that this a-hole did what he did.

I hope the 4th guy does ok.

I'm somewhat surprised that the last officer that was killed in Oak was 5 years ago, and not a shooting death. They've certainly had some ups and downs. Also, the last time two were killed was a helicopter accident in 1974.


New member
One of our officers has a family member at OPD and told him it was an AK, but you never know. Word is the 4th off. will not make it and is in grave condition. And I agree "assault weapon" are no more deadly then some one with a can of gas and a lighter....I do recall A mass murder using both, should we ban both. Media just salivates when these things happen. just make me sick. Not to mention the animals celebrating and taunting the officers at the scene.:barf:

I know some people have had a unfavorable experience with an Officer, but most 98% are pro gun and are think just like you.


New member
So... if he was on parole for assault with a deadly weapon, and wanted on a no bail warrant, what are the odds that he was illegally in possession of the weapons used????

Laws only restrict law abiding people.


New member
Was it a genuine AK or was it something the "journalist" thought was an AK OR was the "journalist" inserting helpful "narrative" into the article to "clarify" important societal issues? Cops are dead. That is all that matters.


New member
Sincere condolences and prayers to the families of the fallen LEO`s and their brother officers. Such a tragic waste. Piece of scum like this allowed out on the street. If only the laws we already have in place were inforced. We non-LEO people are sick of it, just think how the LEO feels when he arrest`s one of these scumbags and scumbags back out on street before LEO`s paperworks done:barf:. Criminals containment laws need to change(be inforced), not gun laws. When will we as a society start investigating the reason`s as to why these repeat criminals are let back out and start holding responsible parties feet to the fire?
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New member
From my understanding, the weapon was an SKS and the shooter had ample time to barricade and ambush the police SWAT team.

THe SWAT team was at a disadvantage because they have to worry about their fallen brothers who were shot at 1:15 or so. The SWAT raid happened only mere hours afterwards, on top of that it's a crowded apartment with narrow hallways. The shooter knew he would never see the light of day after what he did, knowing that he probably was in the mindset of taking as many LEO's lives as he could before he would say good bye to this world. That makes the situation so much worse for these brave heroic Oakland PD officers.

The saddest part is this guy slipped through california's judicial system, he had previous history of violent assault with deadly weapons. If he hadn't slipped through the cracks, four officers lives and families would be very different today but instead 4 lives are lost and one is fighting to survive.
The D.O.J. is responsible for these LEO's lives.

Antitrust Division
Asset Forfeiture Program
Attorney General
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Bureau of Justice Assistance (OJP)
Bureau of Justice Statistics (OJP)
Civil Division
Civil Rights Division
Community Capacity Development Office (OJP) (includes Weed and Seed and American Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Desk)
Community Oriented Policing Services - COPS
Community Relations Service
Criminal Division
Diversion Control Program (DEA)
Drug Enforcement Administration - DEA
Environment and Natural Resources Division
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys
Executive Office for U.S. Trustees
Federal Bureau of Investigation - FBI
Federal Bureau of Prisons - BOP
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States
Immigration and Naturalization Service - now part of the
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services - USCIS
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection - BCBP
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement - ICE
Office of Immigration Statistics
INTERPOL -- U.S. National Central Bureau
Justice Management Division
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (OJP)
National Drug Intelligence Center
National Institute of Corrections (FBOP)
National Institute of Justice (OJP)
National Security Division - NSD
Office of the Associate Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General
Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of the Deputy Attorney General
Office of Dispute Resolution
Office for Domestic Preparedness - now part of the
Department of Homeland Security
Office of the Federal Detention Trustee
Office of Information Policy
Office of the Inspector General
Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - OJJDP (OJP)
Office of Legal Counsel
Office of Legal Policy
Office of Legislative Affairs
Office of the Pardon Attorney
Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
Office of Professional Responsibility
Office of Public Affairs
Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking - SMART (OJP)
Office of Special Counsel
Office of the Solicitor General
Office of Tribal Justice
Office for Victims of Crime (OJP)
Office on Violence Against Women
Professional Responsibility Advisory Office
Tax Division
U.S. Attorneys
U.S. Marshals Service
U.S. Parole Commission
U.S. Trustee Program

Pick an office , any office

Can we Have the ACLU on that monday morning ????