4" Colt Anaconda as a CCW?


New member

Thinking of buying a LNIB 4" Anaconda to carry under a jacket/coat in Fall/Winter/Early Spring with a Shoulder harness holster and strong side belt pancake. Anyone else doing this?



New member
Do you really want to pack a "3 lb." (47 oz. unloaded) gun? If you're intent on a .44 magnum, how about the S&W 329PD scandium alloy? It's also 4" bbl. but is a much-more-reasonable-for-CCW 26 oz.


New member
Yeah, the S&W Scandium is alot better........until you fire it with full strength .44magnum loads. Read the (IMHO way overblown) complaints about the agony of shooting .357magnum out of a Scandium j-frame.

My response to the original question (about carrying an Colt Anacoda for ccw), is do it of you want BUT it seems kind of like overkill. Unless you have roaming Sumo-Wrestler gangs there isn't much practical need to lug such a heavy or powerful handgun around town. That's not saying not to buy the gun, I own a .44mag 5.5" Redhawk and really like it. However, I have no plans of using for routine ccw.

I think every "proper collection" needs a .44magnum revolver, so for that reason alone it worth buying the pistol. That said, of you do buy the gun don't make it a safe queen. I am rather sure that both the NRA and Colt museums already have prestine Anacondas for future generations to view. Go shoot and enjoy the darn thing. Don't abuse it but do take it out and play every so often.

If you do choose to make it a ccw revolver, I might suggest carrying it with something other than full power 300gr ammo for bears. Even with little ol' .44 Special, you won't be underpowered (unless you get caught in the middle of a gangfight between the Jellystone Yogis and Tokyo Akebonos.) Good luck.


New member
Ditto on that... You can shoot (the milder but still potent) .44 Special rounds out of any .44 Magnum gun. I'm a fan of .44 Special... would like to see more CCW-size guns manufactured for it besides the Charter Arms Bulldog. (Which I have and like and carry often.)
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New member
It can be done, but you'll likely grow tired of it. If it is your primary CCW, there will be times you leave it at home and it just doesn't do you much good there.


New member
Thanks for the replies. It won't be my primary CCW. I have a Springfield XD45C and 40sc for that. Just thinking of a larger more powerful gun to CC in cold weather on the days I need to go down into the "jungle". I'm thinking maybe a 4" Python or Python Elite may be a slightly better choice, but a little more $$ also.


New member
As an occasional CCW, by all means give it a go then. There will be a certain PITA about it but every once and again it will be nice to take that out with you.

The simplyrugged.com listed above is a great choice for holsters. With at gun that heavy make sure you have a good leather gun belt. It will make all the difference if you really plan on carrying every now and again.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Maybe I am wrong, as I have been before, but it seems to me the Colt Anaconda is a fairly rare and expensive gun. I know that I should butt out and that anyone can carry whatever he wants and doesn't want advice from me, but read this and try to understand a little bit about the reality of carrying a handgun, not the romantic "knight in shining armor" nonsense. So, my advice:


Why not, you ask with the kind of sneer only the rich can give a poor slob like me? Well I'll tell you. IF you use that gun for defense, the cops will show up. And they will point their silly cheap plastic Glocks at you and tell you to drop the gun. They won't care how much the gun cost, or if it is gold inlaid and diamond studded, or if it cost $10 or $10,000, or if you are standing in an area of broken concrete, and dropping the gun will scratch the perfect finish. If you are reluctant to drop it, and try to explain how expensive it is, you will find out what it is like to be on the receiving end of all those "cool" hollow point bullets you talk about all the time.

Jim (OK, start the attack!!)

Pvt. Pyle

New member
I never thought of it like that. Of course, i was at the range the other day and saw a really beat up rental sp101 but they wont sell it. I figure for a conceal gun no one sees it anyhow so why carry something that looks good just carry something that works good.

Sounds like the best excuse to add a Glock to the collection

James K

Member In Memoriam
Not many folks on these sites seem to even think about the ramifications of carrying a gun and actually using it. Most seem to think it is still the Old West, where (at least in the movies) the sheriff looked at the body, declared it a "good shoot", and the gunman in the white hat bought drinks for the house. That is not the way it will go down in any American city or town today. The police show up not knowing who did what to whom; they see a victim on the ground and someone with a gun. They don't care for any long winded explanations about who did what, or the value of the gun, or whether 9mm is better than .38, or the meaning of the Second Amendment, or the law regarding self defense. Nor are they going to decide who is right or wrong. They are going to make an arrest and let the suits worry about that stuff.

But first they are going to make sure no one is armed except them. Period. And that means everyone else drops their guns, and yes that means removing it from a holster, very slowly. I know of a case where a plainclothes cop was fatally wounded by another officer when he didn't drop his gun; in a statement from the hospital before he died he said that he didn't think "the [uniformed officer] meant me".

Yep, that beat up Ruger would be a fine defense gun - what counts is reliability, not beauty.


Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
I'd buy one and carry it. You're probably not going to find one at a reasonable price, and it could be worth your while to make sure you can find a holster and stocks you like before you buy the gun; that said™, it's a dandy gun, and will appreciate in value if you take reasonably good care of it.


Colt I frame .44magnum DA revolver...

If you have the size/frame/build to conceal a Colt DA .44magnum with a 4" barrel then I say have at it. ;)
Good concealment rigs may be had from Galco, Milt Sparks or Bianchi.
Bianchi & Lawman Leather Goods sell high quality vertical shoulder rigs.
See www.Bianchi-intl.com & www.LawmanLeatherGoods.com .
If you plan to tote the Colt snake around I'd suggest using a factory made .44spl JHP or a Corbon/Glaser safety slug. Many handgunners use the 200gr JHP from makers like Speer Gold Dot Black Hills/Starfire Corbon.

www.Natchezss.com www.Shopcorbon.com www.buffalobore.com
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