.380 starfires....too light?


New member
Just curious everyone's opinions on the starfire round from PMC.

Not real sure about it, seems decent, good accuracy and reliability.

But what I've seen/heard on the 9mm, I'm wondering...A little too lightly constructed for the .380?

It's ALL that's available locally. So far I've been using Fiocchi FMJ's, but I don't like their being roundnoses...

Any help would be appreciated from someone who knows the round.


P.S. Sorta funny, I don't notice it on any of the other pistols I use, but the Ruger LCP sure "Sets back" bullets. I chambered a round 3 times...I don't think I'll do it again...thing's pushed back about 1/8th an inch already :eek:


New member
Ok, thanks!

Anyone else? I'll probably carry them I guess. And if I ever happen on any of the Winchester Ranger stuff, start using that.


New member
I personally don't use hollow points in .380 because of concerns of under penetration. Doesn't matter if it expands well but doesn't hit anything vital.


New member
I agree, however I look at what a roundnose 9mm does....:eek: I wouldn't want something going lighter and slower.

Maybe if I found wadcutters.....but no WWB around here or nothing.