.380 better than some might think


New member
Ok I will hear a lot of comments some pro some con but that is the idea for everyone to express what they think. I will express my point of view in favor of this round.

As some say the .380 is lowest caliber you should carry for defence, some say its on the week side and so on.
I have also heard that modern technology has improved the design of bullets in the last couple of years making the 9mm even a better caliber with advanced hollow points designs and gun powders etc.
Well these advances most have afected other caliber including the .380 making this marginal caliber step away from the marginal line and closer to the better caliber line, and (thinking out loud)we could say that the .32 with the advances has taken the spot the .380 left behind.
So those that a decade ago where told to upgrade their small semi autos to 9mm or above because the .380 was a poor stoper, could very well today carry their same small semi autos loaded with new HP designs and hoter loads and feel even better armed than they did a decade ago, and the .380 get a better rep you think?


Way better than a sharp stick. .38 special has killed many many people with one shot. .380 ain't a .38 special, but it's not real far behind either. I'd say that it's the minimum (ideally) for self-defense, but not below the minimum (i.e. it IS adequate).


New member
Carry what is best for you and what you feel comfortable with. I would not go smaller than 9mm para, because it's simply not necessary with all the small 9mm pistols nowadays. But if size would be a factor, I agree that a .380 is still be adequate for SD.


New member
When I'm firing this little "bad-boy" in controlled pairs with accuracy; I consider myself "armed". The "receivee" is #@%! out of luck.....:D I feel no differently when packing a 9mm, .40S&W, or the .45...Too many people get hung-up on the "myth of the 1-shot stop"; it is a myth by the way...:)
Got that right Mag....

....380 in the eye or groin always stops hostilities...even if they're still standing...usually the BG is squealing like a girl.;)


New member
Alot, of things come into play when you are in a "self defense" situation.

Let me shoot you in the leg with a .357 then let me shoot you with the .380.... you tell me which one "hurts more"! your body does not know the difference.

If I don't hit you in the vital COM chances are you are not going to die anytime soon. But, your mind knows it has just suffered a massive injury so you will go into shock and start to lose touch with reality.

"Self defense is exactly that, I am pulling this gun down in fear of MY life. I am not hunting big game with it. Fear has alot to do in this situation. When you pull your gun you have to be prepared to use it. I could shoot you one LUCKY time in COM with the .380 and end it .....or 3x with a 3" barrel .45acp wounding you only to end up getting sued in court. IT IS ALL IN SHOT PLACEMENT.

I carry concealed. I carry a variety of guns but only 1 at a time (from .380 to .45) I don't understand why we are packing two guns at once, since it is only there for self defense. None of us are deputized officials. That being said, I feel just as safe with my .380 as I do my .45. Because, I am hoping that just by seeing my gun you will back down....not always the case but, also don't want to go upriver for popping 15 rounds into a guy out of "self defense"


New member
I guess I mis-spoke I understand the two gun theory. Not so much for non LEO(or high threat jobs)

I am in no way criticizing anybody who does.

I'd just like to see how many people that post here have been in a lifethreating situation like this(I know it is a whole seperate thread) and Caliber of gun was an issue.

I KNOW from experience that my .380 was just as "effective" as an RPG in that instant. There was no BUG option


New member
I would like to make a point.

Not really disagreeing that the .380 is an adequate round. I also had a Bersa .380 and like a lot. But there is a technical issue. Most .380's are blow-back design. Because of this there has only been a small increase in power through the years. The blow-back is a limitation to increasing the .380 performance. All 9mm Luger types are locked breech. This has allowed the 9mm Luger to be increase by a large amount compared to original configuration. Similar with .38spl. Just make the frame stronger and you can really increase power.

Not trying to bring everyone down on my head...just pointing out that the blow-back design is a limitation. If you grow a .380 to have enough power that requires a locked breech then you have a 9mm Luger.


New member
I'm partial to a .38Spl+P, but a .380 like a Seecamp with a magazine full of Speer Gold Dots or Winchester SilverTips would certainly be fine with me.


New member
dang.... Well... I would pretend to be Bond with a bigger bullet,... but the British SAS used to use it right? And expansion up to .6 with some of the corbon load from what I have read can't be to bad.


New member
Is it true that European made regular ammo like S&B are hotter than the US regular equivalent? If so the presure stantards are still acceptable for blowback .380 and hit harder?

I am a fan of 38spl also I usually carry it beacuse it is easier to blouse under my shirt than my bda .380, just beacuse it has smaller grips that do not print.
Yesterday I cleaned both of then emptied the chambers of my Taurus 851SS lined up the 5 rounds of 158gr LSJHP, besides it I lined up the 10 rounds of aguilas hp .380 that I took out of the mag. When I was about to load them after cleaning I looked at both line ups, and had to wonder which I would want in a life threatening situation if the ocacion allowed to carry either of the guns, deep inside I thought those extra 5 rounds of .380 would be usefull.
I still do carry my 851 most of the time.