.38 Special LCR firing pin bushing locks up cylinder


New member
I bought a used .38 LCR a few months ago and haven't fired it with live ammo yet, but have dry fired it with snap caps. The gun looks barely used, and I just assumed all was well and let it set. I've been curious about them, but not curious enough to pay for a new one. This one was cheap enough and appeared to be barely used, so I bought it.

I decided to take it to the range on my next trip, and I was sitting around dry firing it, and everything was fine until I pointed it up at the ceiling and tried to shoot it. No deal, cylinder wouldn't turn. I replaced the snap caps with fired cases, still locked up.

I checked it out and noticed that the firing pin bushing was protruding a little and blocking the cases so the cylinder wouldn't turn. My feeler gauge and thumb nail say it's sticking out right at .016".

I came here and searched and found three posts by the same guy from around 2011 (my gun is from 2009) that said the .38 LCR's have a seperate firing pin bushing (the .357 LCR's don't) and they've been known to work loose after hard use. That's all that I found here, so I'm guessing Ruger may have changed something about retaining the FP bushing over the years.

I'll be calling them tomorrow, but wanted to see if anyone else here with a .38 LCR had the same problem.

Edit: I searched the www a little and found this LCR disassembly video on youtube. At 1:00 it shows the FP assembly.

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