.38 snubbie on a budget?


New member
I'd like to get my mom a .38 revolver for Xmas, and I'd like some suggestions. I can't afford much over $200-$250. Can I get a decent gun at that price?

It needs to be concealable in a purse, and it needs to be reliable.

Do any of the Taurus guns fit that price range?

James K

Member In Memoriam
Check at the gun shows and in Shotgun News for police trade-ins. There are usually some S&W J frames, some with concealed hammers, some with exposed hammers. There are also usually some Model 10's with 2" barrels that are a bit thicker, but hold 6 rounds. These guns almost always sell within your price range, and will (IMHO) be superior to the Taurus, Charter, and other inexpensive revolvers, even if new.



New member
Agree with Mr. Keenan.

Lots of great used S&W snubbies out there for around $200.

Patience, and carry cash.

I do suggest getting or making a purse holster for whatever gun is obtained. Keeps gun always in same position and keeps purse dander and nelphs out of the gun's works.



Brand new Taurus mod 85 runs about that price....
I love my 85, although I like my Ruger Security six a little better

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I concur with my friend's Jim Keenan and C.R. Sam, as
a lot of great deal's on used Smith & Wesson J-frames
can often times be found at gun show's! Police trade-
in's are the best bet; cuz quite frequently they are shot
a little, but carried a lot! Therefore, price would be very
dependent on the condition of the weapon.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
At that price range, I'd suggest a USED S&W, Ruger, or possibly Taurus. I don't think you will find many good quality NEW revolvers in that price range.


New member
Find a used Ruger Security-Six w/ 2.5" bbl. Although a little heavy, it's as small as a K-frame S&W, but a lot sturdier. I got mine for about $200. If you can find a used SP-101, even better.


New member
Thanks folks.

There's a gun show this weekend in Nashville. I'll look for a S&W, and I'll check out the Taurus 85 and Ruger Security Six.

I remember a really good thread (or site?) about evaluating used revolvers. Got to see if I can dig it up.

Tropical Z

New member
I'd personally get a NEW EAA Windicator but only because i own two and know they are nice revolvers. I avoid buying used if at all possible.Just because it's an old S&W model 10 doesn't mean its the worlds answer to THE great revolver.I'd take my Rossi 972 over a friends 686 ANY day.


Moderator Emeritus
Tropical Z,

I avoid buying used if at all possible.

Why? :confused:

Just because it's an old S&W model 10 doesn't mean its the worlds answer to THE great revolver.

Why, actually, yes it does. ;)

I'd take my Rossi 972 over a friends 686 ANY day.

Having owned a fair number of both Rossis & Shmitties, your buddy's 686 must be a real anomaly. Not to say that Rossis aren't perfectly serviceably firearms, but they're definitely the Tokarevs of the wheelgun world. ;)


New member
Thanks for the link CR Sam. After reading over Jim March's "how to," I'm actually a little more wary of buying used now. I don't own feeler gauges, and I doubt I could eyeball the difference between 002", .004" and .006". I'll print out the link and take it with me though. I'm now leaning a little more toward that Taurus 85, but who knows what I'll find?

Tropical Z

New member
Ok here it goes.
1.I avoid buying used if i can because as often as not, your'e getting someone elses headache.My recent purchase of an old High Standard was done because i couldn't buy the same gun new.Will it work properly-who knows? I haven't had the oppurtunity to shoot it yet.
2.Since i have nothing personally against the model 10 i'll pass.Its kind of like saying an ES300 with 142,000 miles on it is much better than a fresh off the showroom floor Elantra.If you believe it thats fine.
3.Shooting them back to back,my Rossi is much better balanced,absorbs recoil better and is much more accurate.He knows it and so do i (and it ticks him off too).Will the 686 last longer under punishing use? Probably.Does it matter to me.Nope.:)


New member
I have owned snubnose .38 special revolvers by Smith & Wesson, Colt, Charter Arms, and Taurus.

To make it simple, and within your price range, I recommend a used Smith & Wesson Model 36. It is made of steel, has a 2" barrel, and is a 5-shot. It is in your price range. It is small enough for purse carry. It's empty weight is about 19 ozs. so it will be comfortable enough to practice with.


New member
The elder statesmen have spoke: What Jim Keenan and C. R. Sam said. Used S&W is in the price range and better than new anything else. Ditto about the pocket holster to keep purse lint out of innards.
go with a used j-frame smith like Sam suggests...if she tries a model 10 or ruger the weight will annoy her and she will not carry it in her purse.....heck, my girlfirend gets pissed when I drop my airwieght in hers...and forget about the P7...