.38 lwc spec's


New member
Need a little help here, I have loaded lswc in .38 but never the flat wadcutters. How deep do you seat these and how much crimp do you use? My Speer book seems to be of little help.
Thanks Mcrog


New member

I load lots and lots of 148 wc - I set the top of the wc flush with the top edge of brass then I run the round through a Lee factory crimp die - the amount of crimp really ranges from just taking the bell out to an obvious roll at the edge. They all seem to work. I have a few Remington Match wc's that I've tried to emulate - they have a pretty obvious roll crimp. I recommend use of the Lee factory crimp die - I use it to resize the entire brass as much as the crimp. 38sp brass sometimes will sometimes get a roll or a kink since the wc gets set so deeply.




New member
Yep, J A nailed it. I don't use the Factory crimp die in 38, mostly because I don't have one, but a mild crimp over a flush bullet is the ticket.


New member
.38 / .357 Fav. Load

Have to thank everyone for your fast reply, guess I should have included this question also. Whats a load you like? These are the powders I have on hand, V.V n350,V.V 3n37,
Tight Group,and just plane Clays.
Great sight !!
Protect our freedom, Take a kid shooting. Mcrog


New member
I stick to the "classic" load for Bullseye competition in .38 and have found it to be best for me. 2.6/2.7gr of Bullseye powder with a 148gr hollow base wadcutter with fairly soft lead (like Star Match wc's). The only problem I have had with this round is that some powder drops do not handle such a small amount of BE powder well - can lead to squibs. I have excellent luck with W231 powder dropping accurately but I don't feel I get the same accuracy at 25yards.




New member
Of the powders you listed, Tite Group is the only one I've used for wadcutters. 3.0 grains was the charge.