37 inch Scimitar Oryx


New member
Took this two weekends ago near Marble Falls, Texas. Just got the meat back from the processor and will be having a cook out this weekend. Tasted the summer sausage and that is good. Hope the rest tastes as good.


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New member
Nice dude! I likes dat manlicker!

here's a Gems Bok (another type of oryx) I took in Montagu South Africa.


I didn't care for the meat of the Gems Bok... I don't reckon I'll kill another, but I'm curious to how your Scimitar cook out turns out.


New member
Psycobily, nice Gems Bok. Hope to get to Africa some day. In the meantime, I have to pretend I am there in Texas.:)

Oh by the way, cooked some smoked sausage, summer sausage and tenderloins. Meat is great, very much like axis meat.