357 sig ammo question


New member
Ok i'm alittle confused,i was in a shop today looking to buy some cheap range ammo and this guy behind the counter said they didn't carry that type of ammo,it was a passing fad and i should get rid of my 357 barrel and pick up a .40 cal barrel which i planned on doing in the new year while keeping my 357 barrel.

so my question is this,

is my 357 sig barrel going to be a paper weight or is there going to be a market for me to keep shooting.


New member
People keep saying that a lot of different calibers are dead or dying. Some of them for a 100 years now. It may not get any more popular but it won't go completly away.

By the way was the shop trying to sell 40S&W barrels by chance.Take anything you hear in a gun shop with some consideration. What are they trying to sell at that point? They didn't have 357 SIG ammo so they tell you something to get you to buy anyway.


New member
Thank you and thats what i tried to tell him but to no avail and left.No they didn't have any barrels to sell but i'm sure he would love to sell me a whole new gun.Pushy little freaks.


If you like to shoot .357 SIG - shoot it. If you like the round for SD - by all means, use it. Although it's a fairly recent round (1994), many law enforcement groups have/are using it successfully. I don't think it's a "passing fad", nor will the round suddenly disappear any time in the near future. Since the guy didn't have barrels/magazines to sell, I wonder what HIS agenda was. I'm gonna bet he told you that to ensure his future .40 S&W sales, since he doesn't stock .357 SIG.


New member
Oh he had an agenda,get a meager trade in on my sig for a Glock 22 or 23 for 699.00 to which i replied i already have a g22 and no thanks.

Have you ever been around someone who just seemed a bit to earger in their cause.He sounded kinda like a dooms-day/shtf person talking about not being able to find or reload anything but 9,.40,.45 and even our .22's would be usless.Now i know i need to prepare,not for the end of world but keep a personal stock,but i am not going out and spending 700.00 and giving away perfectly gun because some one tells me to.Yep i'm keeping my 357 sig barrel and adding to it with a .40 but not from him.


keep on shooting it. If I listened to all the idiots tell me not to buy .45gap, then I wouldn't have bought the most accurate and best glock I've ever had.


Moderator Emeritus
.357SIG has an installed user base large enough that, even if every agency using it stopped tomorrow, ammunition would continue to be made.

10mm Auto is still loaded by everybody, and it never caught on as widely as .357SIG.

Jim Downey

New member
Yeah - what the others have said: .357 Sig is here to stay. Sure, pick up a .40 barrel for it, and that will give you some flexibility, but there is no reason to get rid of the .357 Sig. There is, however, probably a reason to shop elsewhere. :eek:

Jim D.


New member
Cheap 357 sig ammo doesn't exist. It's $25 per box here, thats why I got rid of mine. I have more 357 sig ammo now then when I had the gun, go figure. :)


New member
.357 Sig is not going away

It may be expensive, but .357 Sig is not going away. Many a PD uses them. In my state(Texas) the state highway patrol (Dept of Public Safety) and the Texas Rangers use the .357 Sig in their Sig Sauer handguns.


New member
Yeah, do not spend one moment worrying about the 357 Sig,, it is going to be here. Law enforcement is using it more and more and it is a great caliber.


New member
If 10mm can survive, so can .357 SIG. To help the situation, shoot that thing often and convince your friends to shoot .357 also. The more people shooting it the better chance it will make it in the long run. ;)


New member
I've found a few boxes of WWB .357 Sig at Walmart recently - about $21 a box.

Considering the number of LE agencies using it I doubt it will go away soon.


New member
Cheap 357 sig ammo doesn't exist.
These days, nothing is "cheap".

The only thing really cheaper is 9mm, and its cheaper than everything else anyway. 357SIG and .40 are basically the same price, and .45 has always been more expensive.

I dont know of any people who own one that dont like it. Most of the negative comments about it are flat out wrong, or very over blown.

The round is readily available, pretty much everywhere, and in many places these days, its one of the few left on the shelves.

Price wise, its about the same as .40S&W. The last time I bought either in bulk, I bought a case of each at the same time, and they were the exact same price by the case.

Reloading wise, they are not as cheap as most others to reload for. They pretty much use a caliber specific bullet for the basic loading, and they are about twice what 9mm bullets will cost you. As far as actually reloading them, if you use a .40 carbide sizer, its one extra step. Horror stories aside, which is a pretty good clue that the story teller doesnt have a clue, its very easy to load for.

Shooting wise, when shot from the same model gun, standard 357SIG acts like a 9mm loaded with +P+. Recoil, while slightly snappier than the +P+, its less than most .40's or .45's, and its very easy to shoot well with.

I have yet to see the often touted muzzle blast or flash, even when shot indoors. I dont know what kind of ammo was being used, but I have yet to come across any. They do have a bit of a bark, but its really noting I'd call bad, and nothing like a 357MAG.

I've heard a number of negative comments from the boys behind the counters at gun shops. Most of what I've heard, sounds like they were reading all the negatives posted on the web, and pretty much verbatim. When I've asked them what kind of gun they have in the caliber and how much have they shot one, the answer has always been, dont own one, and never shot one. Usually followed by never will, because...... all of the above, based on no experience. :rolleyes:

I have .40 barrels for most of my 357SIG's. Other than shooting them for function when I got them, they sit on top of the couple of cases of .40 I bought to go with them. Dont be surprised if thats what happens if you get a 357SIG barrel for your .40.

Going the other direction, if you have a Glock, for $100 you can have a Lone Wolf barrel in 9mm, for either the .40/357SIG. Same barrel for the same "size" model in either caliber. The 22 or 31 both use the same barrel for the 9mm conversion, and will swap factory barrels in .40/357SIG. The Glocks are a little cheaper in this respect compared to the SIG's.


Moderator Emeritus
AK103K said:
When I've asked them what kind of gun they have in the caliber and how much have they shot one, the answer has always been, dont own one, and never shot one. Usually followed by never will, because...... all of the above, based on no experience.

Well, I'm not really impressed with it and I've owned two Glock 33s and had .357SIG barrels for a G23 and a P226. (Then again, I've really cooled off on a lot of other calibers I used to dig: 10mm Auto, .41 Magnum, .40 S&W... Heck, I was even a big .41AE fan back in the early '90s; had a Witness in the caliber. Nowadays all I shoot are boring old-fashioned calibers.)

It's okay, though, just because I don't dig it doesn't mean you can't think it's teh awesome and the greatest thing ever. We don't all have to like the same stuff. :cool:


New member
Hey, at least you've owned and shot them, and have experience enough with them to make a reasonable decision and have a "valid" opinion about them. That type of opinion has weight behind it, and is worth something.

Its the other crap I get tired of. If you dont like it because you dont like it, say so. Dont make crap up or repeat something you obviously know nothing about, and that goes for everything too, not just the 357SIG.


New member
.357 Sig

I like it a lot. Very effective cartridge for size and weight. Weighs little more than 9x19 with considerably more energy, standard loading beats 9mm +P+ and can be loaded a little hotter for more power. It approaches .357 Mag from a comparable barrel length and is much more managable out of compact handguns. The bottlenecked case is extremely unlikely to cause feeding problems. A reduced diameter bullet slides right into the larger chamber.
I have used the Sig P229 as my main carry pistol for over 10 years and have found nothing that I like better for all around carry.:D