357 LCR range report


New member
There seems to be a fair amount of interest around here in these pieces. So I thought I would file a range report.

Well, I picked it up yesterday and headed out to my friend's house to fire her up. I shot about 85 rounds. About 30 were fairly hot 158 gr H110 hunting loads. The rest were a mix of +P and standard 38 special loads. The +Ps and standard pressure 38s were *****cats. The 357 beat me up pretty good.

I shot by far the best with the 357s though. In fact my first group was 3.59" 5 shot group standing unsupported at 20 yards using 158 gr JSP Remingtons and 16.0 gr of H-110. My last group of the day was with the same load and it felt like I was catching a fast ball with out a glove. I wanted to stop, but I had to finish the group. I'm glad I did. I ended up with a 2.43" 5 shot group standing unsupported at 20 yards (my best group of the day). Now that's about as good as I can shoot. I was pretty pleased that I wasn't flinching under the circumstances. My 38 spl groupings ranged from 2.5" to 8".

The trigger is pretty sweet. However, there is a slight drag right after the cylinder latch engages. I'd give the trigger a 9 out of 10.

Now for the bad. The gun shoots low and to the right (not just at 20 yards). It's not horrible, but it probably about 3" low and 3" right. My sp101 shoots dead on, but sometimes a little high depending on the range and the load. So I don't think it's the shooter. I plan to shoot several more times before I think about making any changes to the gun.

Overall, it's a sweet piece!


New member
Some people do shoot more accurately with hotter loads. I believe it's because they concentrate more, knowing full-well some recoil is coming at them.


New member
Some people do shoot more accurately with hotter loads. I believe it's because they concentrate more, knowing full-well some recoil is coming at them.

At this point, I'm attributing it to the gun as I don't usually shoot better with hotter loads. But I don't shoot a lot of 357 magnums in guns this light. I certainly hope to find a few 38 loads that it likes.


New member
My 357 LCR shoots straight. With factory 110 semi jhp and my 38 loads of just enough bullseye to get it out.

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Shadi Khalil

New member
My 357 LCR shoots straight. With factory 110 semi jhp and my 38 loads of just enough bullseye to get it out.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Does the Ruger not have the same issues as Airweights when it comes to lighter bullets?


New member
Glad you like it. I have one for my CCW - a 357. My first time at the range with it I ran some 357s through it and mine shot very accurately. I had decent groups at 10 and 15 yards - 20 wasn't as good but it was at the end of a box and like you, my hand was starting to feel it some. I'm pretty much a 38 spl person and that's pretty much what I use in it now. I purchased the 357 so I would have the option of using the 357 cartridge if I wanted to. I've put around 500 to 600 rounds through mine so far - 38 spls. after the first box of 357s. Each time I practice with it, at the distances I'm shooting at, I have no problems with getting all 5 in a decent group in center mass - which makes me feel confident that I chose the right pistol for me.

I carry on the belt and it conceals well for me and is very comfortable to carry. It is lightweight and doesn't feel like a brick. I've pretty much shot SA for 50 years - wasn't a DA person until I picked up a couple of vintage pistols - a coupe of Colts and a S & W. I found the trigger pull on my LCR to be very good after I got used to it - smooth and crisp. This is my one and only "snubbie" and before I got it, I compared others and kept going back to the Ruger - but then I own 5 other Ruger handguns as well and have always been pleased with them. After trying several other pistols for CCW, I found that the LCR works very well for my needs. I think it's a great pistol.

Thanks for your range report - glad to hear you like yours.


New member

UPDATE - Turns out it was the gun.
I sent my LCR in because it cycled with the cylinder open. Now that was just my excuse, because I didn't really care about that. What I was really hoping was that they would improve my POI. The gun shoots fantastic groups (sub 3" at 20 yards), but it put them low and right. I kind of wondered if they would tell me that it was close enough. An 1" to the right at 7 yards is more than accurate enough for combat accuracy: more like 3" at 20 yards. Anyway, my gun was gone 14 days including travel time. I got it back and they replaced the pawl and the front sight and apparently refinished the cylinder. I finally got to shoot it last night. Mostly high speed defense practice. But my last group was at 20 yards standing, unsupported. It was a 4.455" group (not bad, but nothing to brag about). But 4 of the 5 shots were with in 1/2" of the centerline of the target. Three of the five formed a nice sub 1 1/2" triangle in the dead center. I have a feeling that this thing is going to be a tack driver (for a snubnose anyway) if I can get my act together.
Nice job Ruger!


New member
I am looking to get the 38 version of this

Do you fear having hearing loss if you ever shoot the 357 in a SD role?

I see people buying low flash low recoil 357 rounds for snubbies but it almost takes away the reason to even own a 357 by slowing it. Down that much.



New member
Dean: The good news is I don't worry about hearing loss. The bad news is I already have hearing loss. But to answer your question, I wouldn't want to set one off in an enclosed space (inside my house) without hearing protection. But then again, I wouldn't want to set off a 38 in that situation either. I think the bottom line is you hope you are never in that situation and you probably never will be. If you are, it's better to chance hearing loss than death. Personally, I carry 38+Ps. Yes it does defeat the purpose of the 357. But having the 357 gives me the option and I like that. Also the 357 is 4oz heavier and that helps soak up the recoil of the 38+Ps, compared to the 38 LCR. I've shot the 38 spl version too. You can't go wrong with either, IMHO.:cool:

Badge: Center of Mass? You'd think I would have figured that out on my own.:eek: Thanks!


New member
Jayhawk, thanks for the reply, from reading the boards it appears that many people actually carry 38 +p in their 357 when they CCW

For me, the LCR would fit the role of pocket carry.

The absolute smallest and lightest combination is what i am seeking
especially since i. Would probably never carry the 357 round for ccw.

I currently have a CM9, which is an awesome gun, but doesnt draw as fast as i would like.

A few weeks back i shot the LCR 38 at a range, and the recoil was ok. The +p 38 had a bit more kick, but also manageble.

Thanks for the info. I think ruger has a great little revolver


New member
Dean: Sounds like you would be best served by the 38 version. The 4 oz difference is noticable. If you want lightweight, it's a good choice. Good luck!
Posted by Jayhawkhuntclub: I can put 5 rounds into a piece of typing paper in 5 seconds at 7 yards on a good day, FWIW.
Typing paper is a good analog for the chest area.

Not to sound critical, but five seconds is a very long time indeed when somene wielding an edged weapon is charging you from within ten yards, and contrary to popular belief, it is likely to take several hits to effect a quick stop.

For that reason, defensive pistol shooting trainers most often try to help you deliver that many hits in about one second.

That mitigates in favor of a heavier firearm or lighter loads or both.
Five out of 5 hits at 7 yards in 1 second? I'd like to see that. You got any Youtube footage of yourself that you can share?
I don't think I got that good but the better participants were doing that. Steel targets.

The exercise they recorded times for was two shots into each of three targets, a magazine switch, and six more shots.

Each of the instructors could do that in about 4.25 seconds. I never got that good (I took too long to draw and put in a new magazine--takes practice).

The guys with 9MM pistols were faster than I was with a .45...they were shooting the first six shots at three targets in just over a second (by my watch) and hitting.


New member
Jerry Miculek is your example? Seriously? We all know what he can do and it's impressive. But he's not human. I don't see much action like that at my range.:D

Also, it's worth noting that many defense experts don't recommend the high speed approach to self defense. It is merely one approach. Not that I don't want to improve on my speed. I do.