.338 Lapua Magnum?

So which is the exact milimeter for a .338 Lapua Magnum?

  • 8.58x70mm

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • 8.58x71mm

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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New member
Ok here is something I have wanted to know for a while. I Know That a .338LM is 8.58mm (8.6). But what gets me is it by 70 or 71. What is the exact milimeter of a .338 Lapua Magnum? So which one is it 8.58x70mm or 8.58x71mm?


New member
According to RCBS.load software the case diameter of 338 Lapua is 14.93 mm at the rim. 14.90mm at the base, and 13.81mm at the shoulder. The 70mm refers to case length not diameter.


New member
Ok thanks and I know. You all keep on telling me facts I already knew. I was just wondering how long the case was, thats all. :)


New member
yeah i know... I want to know the official case diameter.
You all keep on telling me facts I already knew. I was just wondering how long the case was, thats all.
Since you already know everything, why are you asking other people? And I know that you know, but I think you should go back and repeat your geometry class.


New member
You should stop being a smart aleck. I know the 8.58mm is the projectile width and that "70 or 71" is the case legth. My question was NOT what is the 70 measure. I asked is it "70 or 71"mm long. All people had to say was or vote was "70" or "71". But now i now it it 70mm.


New member
Apparently there are some reading comprehension issues.:confused: The OP made it very clear the question is case length, 70 or 71mm. The OP later mistyped this "I want to know the official case diameter" He intended length.

I know the 8.58mm is the projectile width
diameter would have been more appropriate here.

The .338 Lapua Magnum=(8.6x70mm or 8.58x70mm) it's based on the .416 Rigby.
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sheesh, tough crowd...

I think we all know that by asking 70mm or 71mm, he was not referring to diameter, but asking about length of the case. 70mm diameter is cannon (tank/howitzer) territory...


New member
Why did the OP make it an opinion poll?
(I didn't really think case length for a particular cartridge was subjective.)

Regardless, the answer is 70mm.
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