30cal/223 sabots


New member
I bought a box of the Rem 30-06 accelerators about 20 years ago. shot a few on paper, not very good at 100 yds. found a few of them in my garage a few months ago. Went hog hunting in texas and took a couple of accelerators in my pocket. 12 small piglets came to the feeder at about 40yds. took out my chambered Barnes x and put in the little accelerator. Dropped a 50 lb pig with a lung shot.


New member
Reloaded many of them in .308.
They're easy to reload for as it's difficult to overcharge the case using any standard powder for normal .308 loads.
On paper they were dismal. They stabilized and didn't keyhole,but showed signs of being borderline (big dinnerplate sized groups).
The fireball on those loads is certainly neat.


New member
I've loaded them in .30-.30 and .30-06 it has been a while, you may do a search for accelerator loads and find something, I've never shot anything beyond 75 yards with one, coyotes mostly.

Yankee Doodle

New member
Poodleshooter +1
Firing from a .308 with known accuracy of 1/4 MOA, best I could get them to do was "Minute of Barn Door" All bullet weights were about the same. I can't think of any real use for them except to make noise.


New member
55gr FMJs
They would probably suck with all bullet weights,though I would imagine best luck would be obtained with the shortest bullet possible in order to maximize stability.


New member
I also bought a box of '06 Accelerators when they came out. They grouped around 1", but in my free-floated Savage, printed about 6" lower than my normal hunting loads, so I didn't use them.

One day, though, I shot one at a full soup can and the noodles were disintegrated. Pieces of the can were no larger than 1". It was quite a show!!

One woodchuck was killed, but the results were no better than with the 125 grain Sierra handloads I was using. I think the 125s were ahead of 53 grains of IMR 4064 (that was about 40 years ago, so my memory might be off).
