308 vs 300 WSM


New member
Ok guys i need some help. Im looking for a long range rifle. I have shot both the 300WSM and own a 308 but i want some feedback on if the 300WSM is actually a reliable long range round. Also i would like to know barrel life. I have found a Savage Model 12 in 300WSM and i already own a Model 12 in 308 and 22-250 and i wouldnt ever trade them for nothing. I have a local gun guru who used to be a legend in the military MTU units and says that a 308 barrel will last between 5000-7000 shots.....i just want to know if the 300 would be worth it to have or just stick to my 308.


New member
Consider the 300 as having 150 yards more reach, maximum. If you've already got a 308, then look at the Savage Long Range Hunter in 6.5-284 if you load or a Mag if you don't.


New member
What do you consider long range? And what are you hitting at that range, paper or game? If it's game, the short mag certainly carries more punch. If it's paper, you can reach a long way with your .308 with less recoil. For what it's worth, I chose a .338 Win Mag for a long range heavy hitter, but I hear good things about the .300 WSM.


New member
The fact that you can launch a 175gr bullet @ 3000fps gives you about 200+ more yards. Extending the capability of the round to 1200yds vs 1000yds.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
If on the other hand you are looking for an excuse to buy another gun and want to stay 30 caliber look seriously at 300 Wby. If you want a get up and go gun the Wby is to the 300 Win what the 30-06 is to the .308. Either way ammo isn't always easy to get for either but they sure are fun to shoot.


New member
Define long range? Out to 600-700 yards the 308 is about as good as it gets all things considered. They can be made to work at 1,000, but there are better choices than either the 308 or 300WSM if you are going to be shooting that far.

The 300 will shoot flatter, but if you are shooting at targets at known ranges who cares which round is shooting flatter. You just adjust your sights for the range at which you are shooting. Flatter trajectory is more important for a hunter shooting at game at varying, and unknown ranges. It removes some guesswork.

The 308 will be softer shooting, and your barrel will last much longer. The 308 has had lots of research on which loads work well so finding a load that works is fairly simple. Brass lasts longer and it uses less powder, so it will be cheaper to load for. Lots of good guns and barrels in 308 designed for target shooting. Most of the guns and loads for the 300WSM were designed for hunters.

I'm sure the 300 WSM could be a good target round. It is just easier to get there with the 308, at least at more moderate ranges. Unless you are planning on shooting at really extreme range I'd go 308. If the 308 is not enough gun for what you want, I'd skip the 300 WSM and look into some of the 6.5mm and 7mm rounds designed for long range shooting.

The Army is in the process of re-barreling their 308 sniper rifles to 300 win mag in order to get a little more long range punch. There has been a lot of R&D for the 300 win mag as a sniper round and I would go that way over the 300WSM, at least at this time. Remember, you don't need the power of a 300 mag at long range to shoot holes in paper. That is why many of the target shooters are going to the 6.5 and 7mm rounds.

Lloyd Smale

what are you using it for. If its just target shooting id go with the 308. Ammo is much cheaper and easier to find and shooting paper gives you plenty of time to dope wind and distance and adjust for them. If its hunting id probably pick the 300wsm. For quick shots that dont allow for any ajusting it gives a longer maxium hit range for a dead on hold and the extra velocity will also help in the wind and the bigger case also allows for heavier bullets. Ill go this far if it is for hunting and your max range is about 250 yards go with the 308 any longer then that and your probably better off with the wsm.


New member
Ok, to address your questions. Will the .300WSM have a shorter barrel life? Certainly, but what do you intend to use it for? If you intend to hunt with it, you won't need to shoot more then 3,000 rounds in a lifetime anyway. If you intend to punch paper it's still a great caliber. How long it will last is up to how hot you load the rounds. You could load it down to .308 levels and get the same barrel life as a .308. Or you could take advantage of the extra powder capacity and speed those rounds up. I push a 180 grain Nosler Accubond at 3150 fps out of mine. Would I punch paper with that load? Absolutely not! But my gun is intended to hunt with, not punch paper. With that load I get nearly 4000 ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle. The .308 just won't do that. So what's the advantage of the .300WSM? More velocity, more energy, less flight time. What's the disadvantage? More recoil, less barrel life, that's about it. So, as others have stated, your purpose for the weapon is going to weigh heavily on the choice. My suggestion? Get the .300WSM. If you like it, keep it. If you don't you can trade it for another gun. Either way you end up with a new rifle and that can't be wrong!


New member
AWESOME!!! Thanks guys for all the advice i think im just going to stick with my 308. I looked deeper into the gun and had some questionable things about it that i didnt like.