.308 Rock River vs DPMS


New member
Let me preface this by saying I have very limited knowledge when it comes to rifles. I know they're long and can shoot real far. - Just kidding; but seriously, I don't know a lot about them.

I really want to pick up a rifle while I still can. I am concerned that this may be my only shot at getting one (impending ban?), and I've decided I want something in a .308 if that's all I'm going to be able to have.

I'm still a little torn between an M1A and something in an AR platform. I'm leaning toward the AR and think I've narrowed it down to a Rock River or DPMS. Any one have experience with both of these or have any thoughts on pros and cons for the two?

Also, if anyone just has one or the other and would like to comment on anything you really like or dislike about it that would be great too.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


New member
Go with the M1A !! Seriously though, that was not your question. The Rock River is basically the same rifle as the Bushmaster .308's which had problems of bolt breakage. I have heard that Rock River adressed this problem however. Rock River uses FAL mags which are plentiful and cheap. I have heard good things about both and would probably go with Rock River between the two. I own neither, prefering the M1A, maybe someone here has both and will give you a better answer.


New member
Having shot a Rock River only a couple of times, I'm not really qualified to say much about 'em. But, DPMS makes a nice rifle, that I can say without qualification. The backlog on the DPMS L308's is rather long, though.

Another option for you is the Remington R25. I just purchased two R25's which are made by DPMS and are essentially the same except as the L308 except for the paint job (camo), no flash suppressor, and a bit more expensive. I guess you have to pay for that Remington brand. Having said that, I am really impressed with the R25. I've only outfitted and fired one so far. I put on a JP Enterprises trigger (factory trigger is awful) and an Bushnell Elite 4200 mounted with AD Recon cantilever mount.

My first experience was this: Bore sighted the rifle with my laser. First shot at 100 yds was 2" high. I left it there. Shot 5 groups of 3 ea. Each group was MOA or less. Next two trips to the range were pretty much the same deal. I expect it could do even better, once I finish my handload development. So, out of the two, I have at least one great shooter.

As I said, the R25 is pricey, overly so compared to other similar rifles out there. But, if your timeframe is sooner than later, you may have an easier time of finding an R25 vs a DPMS L308.