.308 marlin express


New member

Just you.

Want to save some money? Go find a lever action chambered in 307 and get some dies.




New member
Ah, not a whole bunch. I like my bolts and semi-autos and if i wanted a .308 id go get one but i really dont want a .308.


New member
So, how exactly is this different than the .307 again?

Why not just buy a Savage 99 that's actually chambered in .308?


New member
The reason for a lever action is the sleek light weight, the fast handling, the slick action, and the ergomonics. They're woods guns. The 92 and 94 Winchester are perfectly balanced, and lightning fast to shoulder and shoot. It's also a 100 yard gun.

When you make them big and heavy and bulky lke the Marlin or Savage, and/or you hang a scope on one to take avantage of a long range cartridge, you negate these advantages, and might as well get something big and clumsy like a bolt action..

Tom Matiska

New member
So, how exactly is this different than the .307 again?

Only difference to me is the bullet tip, which has its merits. Marlin should have simply offered the 307 chambering again, and Hornady should have simpy offered a loading of the 307 with their new bullet. All the lever cartridges worth having have already been invented. We didn't need another one.

Ditto for the 356 Win.... just offer it again with the new tip on it....

44 AMP

Big and clumsy

I have a .300 Savage, and while it has a 24in barrel, I wouldn't call it big or clumsy (except for length). I also have a BLR in .308. Slightly larger and heavier than a .30-30, but I woulnd't call it big or clumsy either. A big scope does detract from the ease of handling somewhat, so if that bothers you don't mount one.

The 1895 Marlin is bigger than the 336 or the Win 94, is it big and clumsy too?