.308 in 700 PSS or LTR


New member
Just wondering what you guys thought would be the better configuration. Given the longer range capabilities and significantly greater recoil of the .308, I was thinking that the heavier longer barreled PSS would be a better platform. But, maybe not. I like the look of the LTR and have one in .223. Now I am looking for a .308 to round out my collection. Any opinions?

Doc 229

New member
Hey bullseye,

I guess it depends on what you want, more accuracy or more velocity. The 20 inch LTR will give you more accuracy, but at a sacrifice in velocity. The 26 inch PSS will give you less accuracy, but more velocity. Why? Theoretically, a shorter barrel is less easy to bend so it is less susceptable to harmonic distortion than the longer one. Thus more accuracy goes to the one that stays straighter. Of course the longer the barrel, the more the velocity. As far as the accuracy is concerned, you probably won't notice any differences in accuracy between the rifles. My opinion, go with the one that looks cooler: the LTR.


Staff Alumnus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doc 229:

This is the important part: this is theory, and there are camps on both sides. Some will also argue that the longer, heavier barrel will be more accurate, because they will say it is stiffer.


New member
I have the PSS, and have been tickled pink with it, with handloads is has produced 1/4MOA groups from the prone on it's bipod. That's saying a lot for a factory production rifle under $1K! The difference in velocity between the short-barreled LTR and the longer PSS probably won't be a factor until you get out there towards the 1000 yard mark, where the transition between supersonic and subsonic starts to play havoc with the bullet's trajectory. I've seen a lot of PSS's on the firing line at 1000 yard tactical matches in Northern California, which is an endorsement of sorts. I've brought mine to the matches as backup to my 6.5-06 Interdiction Rifle, but never had the opportunity to pull it out of the rack for score. I do like the lighter heft of the LTR, though, especially if you plan on carrying it for any length of time.


[This message has been edited by Gewehr98 (edited August 30, 2000).]

700PSS Shooter

New member
With the .308, I opted for the PSS. I liked the roadhugging weight and the look of a longer barrel. While the .308 is not a real kicker, any bit of inertia helps soften the push.

For .223, I have the LTR.