.308... Help Me Decide!!!


New member
Santa is bringing me some funds for my next toy, and I am in a dileema as to what I want. The only thing I know for sure is that I am getting a 308, but I cannot decide between two very different packages.

My first pick, is the JLD PTR 91, either the standard or the "tactical."
Second choice is the Savage Tactical choate package. :)cool: and to all of the 700 fans, I know the Remington is great, but my Savage 110 .223 has outshot far too many Rem.'s for me to think about spending all that extra $$$, and I will remain loyal to the Savage:cool: )

Whichever I get will immediately be scoped, but I can't decide which I want the most and the soonest. If I can work a few a things out, I may just get both:D , but that is kinda doubtful.

This rifle will only be for my personal fun and range time, as well as to play with reloads, and try and come up with good accurate loads. Whichever I get first, the other will soon follow, but I'm confused for now- haven't we all been there before!:)

Thanks for all of your help, and if anyone has experince with them, what kind of accuracy could I expect out of a scoped PTR?


Dave R

New member
and if anyone has experince with them, what kind of accuracy could I expect out of a scoped PTR?
Well, my CETME with iron sights gets 2MOA just about every time I shoot it, and the PTR is a better gun, so you should expect at least that.


New member
If accuracy is your goal - the Savage will win hands down! The Savage should shoot sub-MOA with the correct ammo.


New member
Wouldn't the PTR with the HK type of system put those gas marks on the brass? I've always passed on range picked brass when those marks are present. josh


New member
Thanks for the help so far! I have been reading that brass fired from the PTR type rifles is not great for reloading, and that is a minor consideration, but not that big of a deal.


New member

I just shot my newly, freshly scoped and out of the box .308 this weekend. I had never shot a .308 before so wasn't expecting suck a good kick. I guess I'll have to get use to the bruising- Owell.
Out of the box I am getting bare minimum 1" groups. Now I'm still dialing in the scope because they didn't bore sight it in worth a crap and it's kicking the hell out out me and shooting with a bipod blows as Im finding out, so Im only kinda doing my part. I have no doubt if this thing was in a lead sled it would easily do sub .5moa. Also my Accutrigger came with a 1pd pull at most so thats great for the range. I'd buy another in a heartbeat.


scored brass

Yes the PTR or CETME will score the brass like the G-3's do. its basically the same gun, parts and all.


New member
Second choice is the Savage Tactical choate package. ( and to all of the 700 fans, I know the Remington is great, but my Savage 110 .223 has outshot far too many Rem.'s for me to think about spending all that extra $$$, and I will remain loyal to the Savage )

There must have been some real bad shooters behind those rem's to outshoot so many.


New member
The Shooter is always the difference...

I owned a 7mm08 Remington for a while, but it just wouldn't do what my Savage does for me.
As for other shooters, I have seen a guy with a $329 Savage/ Tasco Walmart combo beat a guy with a $1500+ custom built rig:eek: , the gun is not the common denominator. And that is the reason I will not spend the extra cash on a Remington. Save that for a scope!!!:)


New member
I really like the .308 Win. I just can't get past the Savage 110!

I know they are the reigning champ of accuracy for the moment, but from what I have seen the 110 seems cheaply made!