.308 from 7mm08 cases

Death from Afar

New member
Guys, I can get a lot of 7mm08 cases for the best price- free. I plan to use this as field brass, so if it gets lost- big deal. Would it need a trim after necking up? I assume you are having a slightly thinner neck so your brass life is going to be reduced. This will be run through my TRG.



New member
Never heard of anyone doing 7mm-08 to 308, it's usually the other way around. It should work fine though by just running the brass through your 308 sizing die. Lube the inside of the necks for sure. Measure the cases after resizing and if they are too long trim them down. I would load them up the first time with light loads to fireform them to my gun's chamber and after that load them up normally. The necks may be a little thinner but I doubt you will run into any serious problems. If the necks split prematurely I guess you will have your answer. Free brass is free brass though. Lucky dog. I load 7mm-08 and had to pay cash for my brass.

Living the dream in New Zealand indeed. That is one of the few places on this earth where I would LOVE to live.


New member
It'll work just fine. I got some 243 brass for free that I necked up to 308. Anneal first, then lube the inside of the necks. I split a few necks before I tried annealing and lubing.


Death from Afar

New member
Thanks guys! Why not sell you ask? Well, the guy will give them to me on the basis they are used through my .308. It would not be right to go back on my word. :(


And, after seeing the prices for guns, ammo, and components at your country's largest gun shop, I would take free brass every time.

Which powder are you going to use and would you mind sharing how much reloading components costs?
