300Blackout Chronograph Testing


New member
The Umbrella Corporation was founded in the late 1960s as a major international player in pharmaceutical goods and medical supplies, known for their creation of the T-Virus a powerful mutagen that alters living and recently dead organisms. Wait that’s the Umbrella Corporation from the movie and game series of Resident Evil. The Umbrella Corporation I spent the day on the range with has a totally different doctrine.

“Umbrella Corporation is a research, development, and engineering firm incorporated in 2007 with primary focus on small arms design to include complete weapon systems as well as functional parts and accessories that exceed the expectations of the consumer, provide definitive advantage, value added performance, and no-compromise quality. Ingenuity, innovation, with a dedicated commitment towards perfection defines our philosophy.”

The expansion of the versatile 300 blackout round continues to be on the rise. I am finding more people adopting the round in my part of the country and coming across even more interesting AR builds like this Resident Evil theme based AR. I have seen a few other theme based AR’s but never really gave any real consideration to purchasing or building one as it felt to gimmicky and I was worried about quality.

Checkout this build on the bench for testing today. Let me know what you think.



I haven't seen any 150gr Speer's tested so I decided to give them a try with RARR Bolt Action and two custom built AR's

Self Proclaimed Largest 300Blackout Test On The Web http://www.dayattherange.com/?page_id=3817
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New member
Not into game themed rifle myself, but whatever flips your skirt is cool by me. I would like to see somebody make a copy of Vera from Firefly. :cool: