300 yard golf ball?


New member
Assuming you have access to a gun that can routinely shoot <1/2" 100 yard groups from a bench...how hard will it be to hit a 300 yard golf ball (~1/2 MOA)?
Of course from a bench...feasible?

Silent Titan

New member
well a golf ball is just over 1.5 inches so it is about 1/2 moa. at 300 yards you would need a good tack driver, but i dont see why it couldnt be done.


New member
Not many guns are the right shape or weight distribution, and most barrels are a little slick for a good grip. It's a lot easier if you use a modern driver, take your shot from the top of a big hill and find a good strong tailwind. The bench won't help any, it'll be much easier to plant your feet about shoulder width on good solid ground. :D


New member
Would take some practice but given the amount of shots you had, i imagine you could walk it on. If the gun is capable it's all up to the shooter. I've read of a certain shooter who has hit golf balls at 800yds.


George set the barrel back, re-chambered it, hand-lapped the bore and sent it back to me. Within 20 rounds the rifle was shooting one-ragged-hole 5-shot groups at 100 yrds. That gun will now hit golf balls at 800+ yards--though it takes a few shots to nail one. Yep, I've done it many times, with witnesses.

Q: Golf Balls at 800 yards? What's your handicap?

Let's just say Tiger Woods has nothing on me....


New member
There are matches where the shooters shoot grapes at 150 yds, so a golf ball is not impossible.


New member
I just, over the weekend, installed a Jewell trigger in my latest rifle. Then yesterday took it out for a trial.

Four eggs at 200 yards + four rounds = zero eggs.

With the right set up, and a steady hand, should not be a problem.


New member
how hard will it be to hit a 300 yard golf ball

I bet I could do that with my eyes closed. With a .22lr. In the middle of one of our 50mph winds gusts. Cause that's a really big golf ball!!



New member
How many shots does a guy get? One? Would take a lot of practice. Ten? I know my brother could do it with his Dragunov with iron sights. Me, I think if I practiced a little more I could with his AR. I did get some tutelage over the weekend and he helped me zero a loaner AR that hadn't been shot. After getting it squared away I finished with 2 out of 3 in a 12 inch circle at 300 meters.

Twenty, I'm pretty confident I could do it if I could put a binoc on each shot or have a spotter. Luck would play a hell of a factor :)


New member
That is very doable, but definitely requires a decent rifle and some practice. I once attended a LE marksman workshop and we ended the day by tossing a golf ball out at the 25. We ended up walking it out to about 440, but there wasn't much happening after that.


New member
ARDogman, Funny you should ask. I have a few posts on just that sunject already. That is what me and a few others have been doing for over a year now. I drill a small hole in golf ball,insert a wood screw.tie a length of fishing line to it. I made a stand out of wood shaped in ,like the letter H,Pound it into ground and tie the golf balls to it. We shoot them at 300 yards also. We made a game of it sorta..Small time gamblers we are ha ha.

We take turns shooting (3 of us).The one that hits the most golf balls gets a free pop from the others. Like i said(cheap gamblers we are). It is very fun and definetly hones your skills.


New member
Dang it ! I was hoping for something else when I read the thread title, I am building a black powder cannon that fires golf balls and I was thinking to myself "300 yards? heck, it should fire that far?!?!"................


New member
Used to be a golf ball at the 100 yard range at my local club. We use to shoot it with our 22 lr and get regular hits, 4 out of 5. 300 yards should be doable if you are shooting on a stable position. Just go out and do it! :cool:

Hog Hunter

New member
I would give it a try with ten rounds. I know Last time I did some longer distance shootin I hit a quart oil jug at 330 yards 5 out of 5 times. there wasnt any consistency in the shots but I was pleased. Yeah its very doable but, thats not the question, the question is how many shot would it take??


New member
Wind is going to play a pretty big factor. It would be a hard shot depending on the wind. Last time i shot @ 300yds it was 21mph wind gust. Ended up with bullets all over the place but the last 3 shots made me grin. :D sorry couldn't resist, but wind like that is still a hard challenge at 300 IMO. Might as well try it this saturday, been meaning to shoot at 300 for a while to see what i could do with the 175gr BT LRs. Now if i could only get 3 shot groups like that in the bullseye :eek:

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New member
Have done it with my Savage .308 heavy barrel 10FP, heavy barrel bushmaster .223, and Savage 110 in 7rem mag. Totally doable shot with practice, quality rifle and ammo.


New member
you bet!

In NRA F-Class and F-T/R mid range matches, there is a 300 yd stage. The 10 ring is 3 inches and the X ring is 1.5 inches, ie 1/2 MOA and the very size of your golf ball.

Course of fire is usually 15-20 rounds in as many minutes. It is not unusual for a good shot, with a good rifle/ammo combo and good conditions to shoot, score, as example 150/10x. The shooter hits the 3" ten ring every shot and the 1.5 inch "X" 10 (or more) times. I am not sure what the current national record is.

An F-T/R rifle is a .308 or .223, with normally a 10x or more (often a lot more) scope, and is shot from a bipod, often no more than a Harris, and a rear sandbag. Think heavy varmint rig. There is a weight limit, 18 lbs or so, all up. F-Class is a bit more exotic, and scores are even better.

It can be done, and is done, or its equivalent, all the time by the F-F-T/R crowd. Me, I've not broke 145 yet, and am still in single digit "x's"!!!!!!!!!!!!