30 TC Cartridge?


New member
Thoughts on the 30 TC cartridge?

Why did TC think another 30 caliber cartridge was needed?

Who else has a rifle for this, no one, right?


New member
It supposedly gives 308 type ballistics with the recoil of a much lighter (.243 class) cartridge. That isn't a bad thing. The downside is that having only one rifle and one cartridge manufacturer for a caliber makes it extremely likely to fail in the marketplace.


New member
Don't Knock It

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. Imagine this, A cart. with the Ballistics of A 30-06 cal. with about the same recoil as A 243 cal. Recoil is where the 30TC is superior to the 308 cal. I just shot 40 rounds Saturday and my shoulder feels great. I would not even attempt to shoot 40 rounds with my 30-06 in one sitting. I own two of the TC Icon bolt actions, one original and one Weathershield and love them both. I have several centerfire rifles and these are the most accurate that I own.


New member
I don't mind the idea of .30 T/C or the .308 Marlin for that matter, as long as I could handload it back to orginal velocities. I haven't followed either cartridge to know if it is even possible to get back to published speeds. If you can't then it is just expensive to shoot factory fodder compared to what I can shoot my .243 and .30-06 for with my handloads.


New member
For a given projectile weight using a given powder charge, recoil is easily calculated. I wasn't aware that TC had figured out how to defeat the laws of physics. Mass times velocity. 1/2 Mass X velocity squared divided by G. Equal and opposite reactions. Pretty straightforward stuff.

Yes, the 30 T/C uses less powder than a 30-06. So does a 308 Winchester. The 308's claim to fame is that it replicated 30-06 ballistics with less powder and less recoil. The 30 T/C operates at higher pressures than the 308 Winchester and uses slightly lower powder charges, but not that much lower. It's pretty much like the Hornady Light Magnum ammo: special powders, very tight tolerances, close to max pressures.


New member
Scorch, very good point about that physics detail. I think there's a reason they are called the LAWS of physics. .30 TC is silly and doomed. Of all rounds, I have to say that I think making a duplicate of the .308 Win. has to be the most ridiculous. I do think that the .308 marlin is pretty cool as was the 307 win. I predict it will have a short lifespan too though. Note: this is not a flame, if someone has a round they like that's good enough for me. I like the 6.5 Jap!!?


New member
It is literally a pointless round.. it's 200fps faster than a .308 at with the same grain bullet according to hornady's ballistic chart. I mean hell it just doesn't provide enough jump over a .308. And a .308 doesn't really kick on a decently weighted rifle. A good reloader ought to be able to make a .308 shoot 200fps faster than normal. I don't mean to knock it but i mean it's pretty much a .308.

And publius 6.5 rules!! lol :)


New member

It is literally a pointless round.. it's 200fps faster than a .308 at with the same grain bullet according to hornady's ballistic chart. I mean hell it just doesn't provide enough jump over a .308. And a .308 doesn't really kick on a decently weighted rifle. A good reloader ought to be able to make a .308 shoot 200fps faster than normal. I don't mean to knock it but i mean it's pretty much a .308.

Actually since the 30 TC out performs both the 308 and 30-06 is it pointless or are the 2 old tried and true rounds now obsolete compared to a newcomer.

For decades 06 fans have belittled the 308 "cause it can do anything the 308 can do and better" simply because it has a few feet per second over the 308. Now the 30 TC has that over both of them.

Is it now the cat’s meow? I doubt it, it has not been used in battle for decades and by sportsmen for as long.

Will it make it, maybe, maybe not. If it were chambered in more rifles and loaded by more manufactures I believe it may. You just never know.

It is hard to convert a 308 or 30-06 fan, but those who have not developed a favorite 30cal may just adopt the 30 TC as their own.



New member
New and Improved

I have adopted this 30TC as my favorite. Now before you scream I shoot both the 308 and 30-06 calibers also. It is A fact that the 30TC has less felt recoil than the 30-06 and the 308cal.(I know I shoot all three calibers). Whats wrong with "NEW AND IMPROVED"? Where did the 243Caliber come from?


New member
What’s wrong with "NEW AND IMPROVED"?

Nothing at all. Some just don’t see a need for a new 30cal when there is already a 30-06, lol.

If I were a big 30cal fan I may get one for the heck of it but alas I am not. Now if they would come out with a 6.5 TC I'd jump all over it!

All joking aside, I have three 308's and one 06. I like both of the cartridges but the 06 rarely sees use do to the marginal edge it has over the 308. If I need a bigger 30 than a 308 I'm taking my 300WINMAG.



New member
See thats the thing im not a .30 cal fan. The 30 TC does not provide enough performance boost over both cartridges to justify buying it when only one manufacture makes the cartridge and one makes the gun. Including that ammo is 33$ a box. Now a 6.5 fan well im guilty as charge.. ill put a 6.5 up against any hunting bullet in the world. Like i said though it's not that i dislike it or haven't given it a chance but in what the round is ment for, which is hunting i do not see enough gain of performance to justify buying it.