30 Days "Gun Nation"


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After Pia learned that her friend had been killed by a schizophrenic man wielding a gun in 1996, she became a gun control advocate who has fought to pass stricter gun laws in the U.S. Pia believes that the world would be free from gun violence only by prohibiting the sale of guns to anyone outside of law enforcement and armed services.

For 30 Days, Pia will live in the heart of gun culture in the rural town of Leesburg, Ohio with gun enthusiast Ken Ekermeyer, 39, and his 15-year-old son Zach. Ken is an avid gun collector and rarely leaves home without his gun strapped to his side. Ken believes carrying a gun is his right guaranteed to every American by the Second Amendment. As Pia struggles to understand the Ekermeyer's beliefs and somewhat isolated way of life, she will work at a local gun store and experience what it is like to carry a gun in public, learn to handle and fire weapons and will introduce Ken to other gun control activists who have lost loved ones to gun violence.

Our government funded entertainment had this episode on tap last night. Though I'd post it up for anyone who might not have seen it when it first ran. Its a bit tough to watch as you'll talk back to the tv for nearly the entire show, but its a good watch.
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needs help

this woman needs some serious mental help. this is a perfect example of a mental cripple who runs to the government for safety. hard to take seriously the opinion of a professional hip-hop dance instructor. whats up with her crying after she shoots the gun? she thinks that somehow everytime a gun is fired, someone is hurt.


New member
Pia believes that the world would be free from gun violence only by prohibiting the sale of guns to anyone outside of law enforcement and armed services.

People like Pia put their faith in government bodies to wield power. What Pia does not realize or understand is that not only will she be living in a quasi-Police State (at best) but that these same police/military personnel would then be the ones committing "gun violence" against others.

And while Pia focuses on elminating "gun violence" how will ridding the populace of gun help reduce other forms of violence? She fails to understand that when you eliminate firearms, other forms of violence can increase. You are more likely to be mugged, robbed and assaulted in the "gun free" London than in N.Y.C.

When people talk about eliminating gun violence, I usually reply that that is the wrong approach. The approach should be reducing ALL forms of violence, not just violence caused by criminals with guns. If we took away guns, how would you defend yourself against 3 assailiants with knives or baseball bats?

Those who advocate gun bans fail to think through the consequences of their proposal. Thanks to the examples in the U.K. and Australia, we know the consequences of those actions will result in more misery for more people and higher crime. In most U.S. states, those who do not want to be victims can legally defend themselves (unlike the UK) by carrying a firearm or keeping one at home or in their business. When a deadly threat is made - say during a robbery or other crime - a US citizen can defend themselves against being maimed, crippled or killed. That's an option people like PIA would deny to everyone -- the right to stay alive.
I downloaded the episode from iTunes to my iPhone. I will watch it the next time I am on the MAX for an extended ride or in the library. :)


New member
I have this book. It was a pile of crap. I bought it because it was supposedly going to explain why everyone who likes guns and believes in gun rights is also a "conservative", more or less. I think that would be an very interesting topic. I didn't make it to that part of the book, if it is even in there.


New member
Whoa! that was shot just about 15 miles from here. That dad even worked at the same airport that I worked at, just a mile from here. But I am laid off and so probably he is, the place is going down the tubes. Anyway I thought it was an interesting video. But why did they start her out with such a bang, like maybe they should have started her on .22's or something where she could burn thru alot of ammo with much less "trauma". Then go to the shotguns. And I have to wonder how this guy out in Leesburg got chosen for this experiment.


New member
Pia's Father said:
I've fired just about every automatic weapon
Wow, that's a lot of weapons:rolleyes:. Okay, I realize marine sharpshooters undergo extensive training, but that is a VERY bold claim.
Pia said:
My biggest fear is arguing with someone who doesn't have their facts right
The essence of irony.


New member
All the cases where anti gunners yank our chains about more restrictions on gun rights are complete with examples of mass killings that would have been quickly ended had law abiding people been able to carry at the time.

So,the anti gunners should be very proud.

All that blood is actually on their hands,not mine.

The answer is an America where we teach all chldren that guns are only a piece of metal that shoots a bullet.

Not a magic evil monster coming to get them or a credit card of macho.

Education and mandatory training for everyone is the key.

Not restriction and confiscation.


New member
She kept calling semi's "machine guns" so I hoped they educated her off screen a little on that. I still think she should have first shot a .22. They had her shoot a O/U for the first gun to shoot. Well she freaked over that even with trap loads but I think alot of people that had never pulled a trigger before would react a bit to their first shot being a 12 ga. instead of something lighter. Even if they were not emotionally wrapped up about it. My first CF shot was a 20 ga. as a kid, in an ancient double with a hard plastic buttplate. Ouch. I went back to my Crossman then.


New member
Wow I feel sorry for that lady, she really has been brainwashed. I live in Chicago and meet people like this all the time who have never touched a gun but know more about them than me :rolleyes:. It's funny I have alot of friends who are LEO's and they tell you if you want protection get a gun and learn how to use it, if you want a ride to the hospital or the morgue call 911.


New member
Holy Toledo. That was way more pro gun than I thought it was going to be. You never know what the true story was before the editor got the original footage, but either the experience changed the lady's mind, or they edited it to make you think she did.

The outdoor writer for my local paper is the one who took her out squirrel hunting. Ispoke to him and his daughter about it at the local farm forum. They decided not to load her gun, so she just carried an empty. By the end of her stay she had decided guns were ok, although I believe she was still in favor of more intensive background checks etc. She was still not pro hunting, although she understood that the writer who hosted her puts a lot of food on the table by hunting.


New member
Laugh it up lady. We're all stupid knuckle-dragging hicks with Confederate flags on the porch of our trailer, yep, 'ya got it. :mad:

Projection. She doesn't feel safe around people with guns because she questions her own restraint. She has informed "expert" opinions but has never even held a gun in her life? We don't realize how powerful a gun is? I'd say I never really fully appreciated the responsibility until I bought one.

But why, in the name of everything holy, did they give somebody so timid a shotgun to start with? A .22 rifle and a stationary target would have been a much better choice.

She truly has been brainwashed though. I was really caught off guard by her reaction to shooting the gun. Even speaking as somebody that grew up with fairly anti-gun parents, I can't comprehend how shooting would elicit such emotion; I suppose it's the same way she can't comprehend how it could be fun. I felt that those CeaseFire ladies were genuinely concerned about a problem, but were terribly misguided.

Good episode - thank you for taking the time to post it.


New member
The wife and I watched this on Hulu awhile back, and we both came away with at least the positive impression that the woman was able to open her mind somewhat to another point of view.

The funny thing is one of my friends/coworkers who is a self-proclaimed anti told me about it, and encouraged me to watch it.

I did not sense an agenda for either point of view, and I appreciate media which does not attach their own bias, in turn allowing the viewer/ reader to form their own opinion. I say this without having seem any other episodes of this show, but I am not offended by how they handled this one on guns.
We're all stupid knuckle-dragging hicks with Confederate flags on the porch of our trailer, yep, 'ya got it.
F-i-i-i-naly...one of you guys admitted it. I have been saying that about the lot of you for quite some time. :D