.30 cal. Carbine Lever Action


New member
30 Carbine - Lever

Either Marlin or Mossburg made one. I'm sure someone here will know which. Actually, if you have access to cheap ammo, the 30 Carbine is a great fun gun to shoot. If you have a good stand, or are a good stalker, it would be okay for small whitetails, handloaded with good bullets, in the 50 yard range. I wouldn't personally want to stretch it out any farther.


New member
The reason I'm asking

is I have a M1 Carbine and a Ruger Blackhawk in 30 cal. That single action Ruger just doesn't seem to go with the simi auto rifle even though they shoot the same ammo. I'm thinking a lever action would 'match' the revolver better.


New member
Know a guy who has one

His wife hunts deer with it. He is a very avid shooter and gets a kick out of it cause you can hold it to your cheek and cycle the lever with just a flick of the fingers. Kind of like a rapid fire lever action.