.30-40 Krag value?


New member
My dad has a 1896 .30-40 krag rifle that he restored when he was about 17 yrs. old. It doesn't have matching parts because there was a box of two Krags and he took the best parts to make the best gun. It has no major gouges in the stock and a minor scratch on the barrel about 1 in. long. There is only minimal rust and its on the bracket in the middle for the sling. I was just wondering about how much its worth. I cant post pictures because I have no way of getting them on my computer.


New member
Hard to value yours without any pictures. Best bet is to take it to a gunsmith or gunstore. Proabably will not be worth a whole lot, but you never know. I love my Krag sporter and it holds more value to me than I'll ever get out of it trying to sell it.


New member
I don't know exactly,but a military trim complete Krag is worth a pretty fair piece of change.It can be used to shoot in some rifle competitions and a Krag is elegant,in my mind.
If you keep it,the $ value doesn't mean much.If you sell it,the $ will soon be gone,and so will your dad's Krag.

Don't try to hot rod it.Pushed hard,they have a history of cracking the single locking lug.
As is was assembled of parts,if rhe bolt is not the original,a headspace check may be a good idea.


New member
Interesting this thread came up.

On Saturday morning my brother-in-law Gray called and said his brother-in-law was in town and they wanted to go to the range. That meant I was going to the range too as I was the only member. Anyway it turns out Gray's father had just given him his father's, that's Gray's grandfather, deer rifle. He wanted to bring it by and see if I knew what it was. All he knew is that it was a bolt action and his grandfather had given it to his dad when his dad was a teenager. Gray's dad is in his 80's now so it was at least 60 plus years old. All I could think of was 03 Springfield.

When they got to the house and pulled it out first thing I thought was well it's not Springfield and the stock has been replaced as it was wearing a nice Monte Carlo style stock with an ebony endcap. Then I got a look at the right side and saw that mag sticking out and knew it was a US Springfield model 1898. aka a 30-40 Krag. Considering it has been sitting in a closet for at least 30 years it is in real good shape but has been sporterized. New stock, drilled and tapped for a scope and mounted with a old Weaver. It's still got the 30" barrel and both the front and a rear peep sight.

It is a nice old rifle and according to Gray's dad it has taken it's fair share of deer over the years. Gray is going to clean it up and have it checked out by a smith since its just been sitting for so long. He ordered a couple of boxes of cartridges for it and assuming it checks out we're going to give the old girl a test drive on our the next trip to the range.

I'm sure Gray would love to know what his family heirloom is worth.


New member
id like a krag, found 3 near me, one had a awful bore, one was a 1100 dollar collectors piece, one was good bore, good price, really crappily welded on peep sight that looks like some guy was drunk and bored in a workshop.....i love milsurps


New member
I still have the one my gave me when I turned 12. It was my 1st deer rifle. My uncle took the metal buttplate off of it and put on a rubber recoil pad so I could shoot it. I still have the buttplate too. Although heavy, it is a very pleasant rifle to shoot.


New member
I don't plan on ever selling it. It shoots way to nice and is a beautiful piece of art. I only asked because my dad asked me the other day how much I thought it would be worth. Even thought the parts aren't all matching it holds more of a value in my possession than the money would be.