30-30 Question


New member
Inherited an old (made in 1955) Marlin 336 RC in 30-30.

Leaving the sight where it was, the Fed 170 Nosler Partition was on top of the bead at 100 yds, 4 in groups (no scope). The Fed 125 JHP was about 12-16 inches higher at 100 yds.

Fed shows the usage for the 125 HP at 2570 fps as "varmints, predators, small game".

Yet the 7.62 Soviet 125 SP at 2300 usage is for "medium game"

Why the lower limitation on the 30-30 HP? Lack of penetration?

Should be OK for two-legged varmints and "home defense"?

Talke to an old guy here who uses the 125 on deer, and the 170 on elk! But he is a crafty SOB and always gets within 50 yds. ;)


New member
The copper jacket on the 125gr 30-30 bullet may be thinner then the jacket on the 7.62x39 bullet. As such, the 30-30 may expand to fast for use on deer sized game. I would look into using the 170gr partition bullet in the 30-30. the partion is made for deeper penetration with rifles that have higher velocity then the 30-30. I wold question wether the partition bullet would expand well at 30-30 velocities, unless the bullet was specicily designed to expand at the 30-30's lower velocities.

Tom Matiska

New member
The business end of the 170 Nosler partion works well at 30-30 velocities. Drive it a few hundred faster in a 308 and you get a train wreck, that IMHO ruins too much meat.

Best ratio of shots to kills in my 30-30 experience have been with Winchesters 150gr hollow points. They seem to have the penetration vs expansion thing balanced just right for bambi.

Either the Nosler 170 or the Win 150 hp would be an excellent choice.
