30/06 Match Brass=338/06


New member
I'm going to ask this for the rifle looneys such as myself, but if you feel it needs moved, go ahead. I have a 338/06 that has a match chamber that i chambered myself, and was using PMC match ammo. Well i pulled the bullets and resized to.338 and have used them up to a point i think i should replace them. I had very good results with the PMCs, but have not found any around. Thats alright, because i enjoy trying diffrent stuff anyway! QUESTION: is the higher price for the Lapua worth paying than the somewhat cheaper price of the Nosler custom brass. Both advertise it to be the same in quality. Lapua brass only= $70.00 per 100, and Nosler brass only= $66.00 per 100 rounds. I know that Lapua is in the winning circle 99% of the time in match shooting. Yes its a hunting rifle that shoots deer and paper, and every shot does count one way or another! What do you think is the better of the two or is there any that i may not have thought of that you would recomend! THANKS

Trapper L

New member
If you don't mind the expense, get the Lapua. Me on the otherhand, being the King of Cheap, I'd try to find either brass marked DWM which is the old marking for Lapua or I'd be looking for some Military Match brass. I've had great results using the military stuff.


New member
+1 on the LC Match brass, it's great stuff, and there's NO CRIMP! I cut the primer pockets, deburr the flash holes, SB size and trim and VOILA! the best the US has to offer. REALLY beats $70.00/100.


New member
I bought .338-06 A-Square brass from Huntington's and I think it was about $70 for 100 but that was a couple of years ago. Had great luck with the brass and have the properly head stamped brass as well.


New member
All prices are coming from midway, found nothing at Huningtons that would be cheaper. A-Square (brass only) is $41.49 per box of 20. :( I guess you pay the price for not having to weigh them and so on, but good grief, guess its been awhile since i've had to come up with new brass. I normally do all the work myself, but thought i'd be lazy and get match like the last ones. PMC at that time was $7.00 per 20!

As far as Lake City brass goes, 3 of us split an order of 5000 rounds of reloaded 223s, said to be once fired, and had several and i mean several split necks,after firing. That was a long time ago,and well have not used any because of the problem. Is the 30/06 LC any better than the 223 rounds or how do you go about finding LC match brass that will last awhile and where!


New member
Other than the crimp and the words on the case head, there's no difference between Lake City NM and the regular Lake City brass.



New member
Try Huntington's again, they have Norma Brass for $103 a 100. Might be a little more than you want to spend. They also had Weatherby A-square brass for $32 for 20 which is still cheaper than Midway.


New member
Buy the least amount of every brand and find the ONE your rifle system likes. No use paying all outdoors for something that won't shoot well and be stuck with 100 rounds of them. Then look at all the shooting you get to do. You did say you didn't mind trying different stuff anyway


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