.30-06 Dilemma


New member
.30-06 Dilemma Officially Over!!!!

Well I traded off my .30-06 M700 ADL with VXIII 2.5-8 about three weeks ago for a much rarer rifle (358 Savage 99). Well the problem is now I'm missing my old 06, it just doesn't feel right not having one in the safe. I'm heading back to AK in 09 for a spring bear hunt, so I'm looking for a synthetic stainless rifle. The problem is I've came across some good deals lately.

First deal is a nice figured wood stocked JC Higgins (FN Mauser) with a Denver Redfield 2-7 scope for $300. The stock was obviously replaced and is similar to the older Win FTW stocks pre schnable forearm. The only thing missing on this rifle is the recoil pad as the stock hasn't been finished yet.

Second deal is a Win M70 Classic FTW NIB old stock for $700. I've always wanted a light weight hunting rifle in .30-06 or .270 for chasing elk in the mountains.

Third deal is a Rem 700 XCR for $849 at Sportsman’s Warehouse. Doesn't sound like much of a deal but I have a coupon for 10% off any purchase over $100 and get an additional 5% for being in the military. So 15% makes this a pretty tempting deal. My coupon expires at the end of April.

I really think I should buy the first and third deal but I don't think I have the funds both right now. I have plenty of other rifles to hunt with but none that are as durable as the XCR for hunting costal AK. I love Winchester’s as well and always wanted a feather weight rifle. The FN action alone is worth the $300 asking price on the first rifle.

You know the old saying “When it rains it pours”. Well I need an umbrella at the moment to sort thing out.
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New member
I bought a XCR in 30.06 last year while it was on sale. Shot five deer with it last deer season and it shoots good. The finish on it seems to be real durable and thats why I bought the rifle in the first place. I don't like blued guns because the will rust easy under extreme conditions. Stainless guns will rust to a certain extent. I am not lazy and oil my guns, but I like ones that are more forgiving and that will hold up in nasty weather. Don't think you can beat the XCR as far as protection from the elements when buying a factory built gun.


New member
The JC Higgins FN Mauser is a quality rifle, with many years of life left. Since you sold your other 06, with a focus more on the 358, why not take the deal on the FN Mauser and call it a day. If you don't want the FN Mauser, let me know where its for sale, cause it then just may have my name on it.....you will prolly never get a better deal on a good old 30-06.:) You don't HAVE to have stainless for AK.


New member
My primary hunting rifle is a Mauser-action '06, I don't think you can go wrong. Sometimes you just want something cool and new - given that the two new rifles are within $20 (assuming tax on both), I would go with the XCR. The XCR is about a pound heavier than the M70 Featherweight, but depending on your branch of service, shouldn't be a real bother considering it's still lighter than your M16. Stainless tends to be pricey, and with your 15% you'd be getting a better deal than anything up on Gunbroker (even excusing shipping and transfer) right now. All three will take whatever you can throw at them with proper maintenance, but I think I would use the Alaska trips as an excuse to buy the XCR.


New member
As much as i like the mauser base rifles and yes that is a real good buy, i dont think a stainless is a have too for Alaska, but would be nice to have. A wood stocked rifle full length beded and every nook and crany oil sealed, even behind the buttpad is good to go, as high as guns are getting these days maintance should be first on the list, so even a blued rifle in a rain or stainless as far as that goes should be taken care of... :rolleyes: Well, hows that for not giving you an answer!
If it was me i'd take the 338/06 or even a 375 Ruger! ;)


New member
I like the Aught Six too. Probably the most versatile caliber ever. Mated up with a Bolt or Semi Auto of your choice very comforting to have and one of the best tools in the world of rifles. If you can use a Semi Auto to hunt you might just have a good reason to get an M1!


New member
I agree with everyone about not needing a SS rifle for AK, but I would like at least a synthetic. My old rifle took a beating in the boat and came out looking like new as long as I kept her oiled. Like I said the FN is really too good of a deal to pass on so I'm sure I'll buy that one, but the XCR is a nice rifle as well. Since I have over a year to go till my next AK trip I might just be able to swing both, but I'll loose the 15% discount on the XCR. I guess I'll be using the coupon for reloading componets for the .375 Ruger and my new .358 Win.


New member
Got more than I expected!!!

Well I took most everyones advice and went with the JC Higgins rifle. I figured with the M70 coming out again I'll have another chance at the FTW or the M700 XCR. I picked up the JC Higgins this afternoon after work from the pawn shop that does most of my FFL transfers ($15 first firearm $5 ea additional). He has been very good to me so I thought I could throw some money his way and buy a rifle from him for a change. Here are the pictures of my new .30-06.




BTW this rifle had a buddy in the rack that I just couldn't bear to separate. I would hate to see both of these rifles go through the trauma of separation from each other. Really I couldn't decide which one to buy so I bought both at least they are both .30 calibers and can share bullets.




I'm pretty sure I did the right thing by not separating these rifles. Guess that M70 FTW or M700 XCR will have to wait!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
"Underneath a starry flag, civilize 'em with a Krag."

Ya done good on that JCH. I was gonna suggest you borrow my Wby off of Justin; WD40 would keep it alive through your Alaska jaunt. :) The 180s gave me 0.4 MOA, last time I messed around with loads. Sierra SPBT; 54.0 of H414.


New member
The 180s gave me 0.4 MOA, last time I messed around with loads. Sierra SPBT; 54.0 of H414.

I'll try that load! I picked up 8lbs or H414 last summer cheap. I'm going to try running my load of 200 grain Partitions and 52.0 of H4350, it wasn't sub MOA but less than 1.5" which is good enough for anything I hunt with it to 300 yards.

I think I'm reall going to play with that Krag though. I've been wanting one for years just the right deal never came along. This has to rank up there with one of my best finds ever!!:cool:

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I messed around with a Krag for a while. The most fun for a plinking round was 20 grains of 2400 and any old stray .30 bullets lying on the loading bench.


New member
Hey Art if you come back up this year to shoot prairie poodles, I'll let you and Justin plink with it. 180 or 220 grain RN should roll those little guys up nicely into a ball out in the pasture!

arizona hunter

New member
Get the Mauser. If you want the barrel to have some extra protection just have one of the "weather resistant" coatings applied by a gunsmith.

When I hunt in MN or it's rainy in AZ I just apply a little extra oil on all the metal parts and add more if needed at the days end. Sometimes I'll even run a patch through the bore "just in case" even though I keep it covered by tape or a ballon-never any troubles.


New member
200+ inches of rain a summer in AK is far different than the rain in CO, AZ, or NM. I wasn't even in AK for a full 24 hours and I had surface rust starting on my rifle. While oil does work and wood and blue rifles have been used in AK for years, with the materials available today there are more durable options.

BTW I got the FN Mauser, check it out!


New member
Nice wood on that JC Higgins! A recoil pad and some minor stock work and you're set to go. If it gets beat up in AK, you can always refinish it after you get back.

And the Krag is a good looking one, too! That was very kind-hearted of you to not separate them. I just can't stand to hear those poor little guys whimpering all night long.