30-06 accelerator


New member
I was at the store today and saw the Remington 30-06 accelerator rounds. They were only 55gr. Thats the same as a .223!:eek: Does anybody have any comments? How would this round fair with deer or coyote?


New member
OK for coyotes probably to light for deer. I've used them plenty of times for varmints. I wouldn't shoot anything less that 140 gr. at a deer.


New member

The bullet is a 223. It has a plastic shoe over it that fits between a 223 bullet and a 308 barrel.

It's really just a fast 22-250, except that it is shot out of your '06. Pick your targets appropriately.....




New member
Neat! Suprised they are not illegal because of the ballistics thing, (Or lack of) Im sure they are illegal in Ca. I wonder if you can just get the projectiles. Make a mean 300 mag round. Wow!


New member
Ohi saw a cool mock up bullet at a recent gun show. It was a 20 mm cannon , necked down to a 50 bmg, necked down to a 30-06 necked down to a 223 necked down to a 218 bee, ( or was it flea?) anyways the the thing was lick 3 feet long and was called, "the ultimate varmint round" way too freaking cool. I want one!!!


New member
That's why the .06 is the most versitle cartridge. You can go from 55 grains all the up to 220. What more could a person want or need. It will kill anything that walks in North America. Probably the best all around cartridge. At least I think so...;)


New member
armedtotheteeth had an interesting question, are the projectiles available for reloaders ? Anybody doing that?



New member
If someone finds out, let me know, Ill have to take the Muzzle break off mine, but ill do it for scientific purposes of course. 5K Fps here i come


New member

They have them. And for most mags you can get up to 4,800-4,900 with max loads. :cool:

You can get up to 5,300fps with max loads with the 300 Weatherby Mag :eek:

Now with a 180gr factory loading the 300RUM outpreforms the 300 Wby Mag by 100fps. I wonder if you can get up to 5,500fps (just judging by the weight of the projectlies I think even 5,600fps maybe in order :eek: ) with a 300RUM :eek: :eek: :D



New member
OK you found me.

Actually I hand load the accellerator in .308. Lately I have been using 62gr tungsten core nickel plated .223 bullets in a .30 sabot on top of 46gr 4064. That pushes about 4300fps. Makes a pretty neat hole in 3/8 steel at 250 yards. Shoots VERY flat out to 500 yards. The sabots are available here: http://www.ammo-one.com/SABOT.html FWIW I have loaded that same bullet on top of 50gr H355 and gotten around 4800fps.

I love steel core ammo:D


New member
I've heard that they are not very accurate, but cannot confirm this from personal experiance. Might be worth picking some up just to see what I can chrono out of my old .06 Ackley. Hmmm...
How would this round fair with deer...

i'm not sure of the point of even trying to use the accelerator on a deer. if you're using a 30-06 rifle, why not just use a real deer round of .30 caliber and at least 140 gr. it seems like an unneccesary risk to the deer when you are easily capable of using bullets 3 times heavier out of that gun. i mean, it could work for deer, people hunt deer with 55gr .223 all the time (though i dont reccomend it for the sake of having a better probability of a clean, humane kill). but why not use a heavier bullet for the deer. it just makes more sense...

should work good enough on coyotes i would think.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Cmu, the reason the '06 is regarded as one of the most versatile rounds is the ability to utilize bullets to 220 grains on heavy-boned animals. You just can't get there with 7mms and smaller. And I've loaded down to round ball with five grains of pistol powder for squirrels. You can also get Serious Zap with 80-grain pistol bullets. :)
