$30.00, 3-day tactical packs,which one...


New member
I've got one identical to the one on La Police Gear that I've had for several years. It's been on 3 deployments with me and countless field problems when I was on active duty and is still holding up great. Now I just use it for camping trips and carrying stuff while riding around on the motorcycle.

Te Anau

New member
I'm sorta leaning toward the LA Police gear pack,but aren't sure why.The OPMOD pack is made from PVC and the LA pack is made from 600 denier nylon.Anyone have the pros and cons for each material?


New member
I dont like PVC much.

I'm not saying its with-out merits (better water resistant) but I find its not as durable as nylon.

Either will resist dew or a light mist and PVC will a bit more. But nylons better durability out weigh it IMO.