$3 Shoulder Holster


New member
At a local gun show I came across a box of old shoulder holsters for $3 each.

These are an old design similar to one that Safariland used to sell where the revolver's muzzle faced up and the gun was retained by a combination of a triggerguard retainer and surgical elastic.

Does anyone know of a quality holster maker who still makes this style?

One of the advantages of this style is that you can also unobtrusively draw with the left hand, such as when seated.

Here's a picture of the holster with my S&W 649 oriented to show how the gun would be positioned under your arm. Note that at the rear of the trigger guard the el-cheapo rivet they used has broken off. This holster is a cheap knock-off IMO with much thinner leather than a quality rig would use.


I used to carry a 2" K-Frame Model 15 in a similar holster and it was pretty darn comfortable once you got the rig adjusted right.

Blue Jays

New member
Hi BillCA-

Take a look at the designs offered by Ken Null on his page. I've heard nothing but positive reviews on his work. Offered in both horsehide and polymer.

~ Blue Jays ~