3 Position Safety? (bolt action)

Chris Phelps

New member
Okay, I am dying of curiosity... on a 3 position safety (standard bolt action rifle) what are the three positions? Safe, fire, ___


New member
bolt out maybe?
at our range it's
bolt out
bolt in and open off the shoulder
on the shoulder, round in, bolt closed.

Trapper L

New member
Full safe- locks the bolt as well- as in you can't open it. Half safe- the bolt will open for you to cycle the gun or empty it but won't fire. Fire.

44 AMP

Win M 70 safety/Mauser safety

Both are 3 position safeties, but the levers pivot in different planes. The positions are



Off (Fire)

One Safe position locks the bolt closed, the other Safe position does not, leaving the bolt operable for unloading.

It is not a "half safe". Even though it is in the middle position (halfway) between Safe and Off (Fire). You are on safe or you are not.


New member
The idea is to lock the bolt handle down in the full-on position, since brush or rough handling can move the bolt handle up, which can result in a "click" when you dont want it.


New member
I would just like to add, that a Model 70, with the safety in the rear position, is on safe and locks the bolt, AND the firing pin is blocked. In the middle position, the rifle is on safe, the bolt isn't locked, but the firing pin is STILL blocked. The fire position is the forward position. This isn't necessarily true with other brands of rifles with a three-position safety. The Ruger MKII (and Hawkeye), for example, does not block the firing pin in the middle position.


New member
With the Mauser type on the bolt, I was always told the middle, or "up" safe was also the combat safety. It is easily swept off in that position and also blocks the sights so you know instantly that it is on.

44 AMP

The Mauser "Wing" safety

Is a very well thought out design for a military rifle. It is positive, allows easy takedown of the bolt, blocks the sights in the center (on) position, and every one I have ever seen (and I have seen quite a few) the full on position (bolt locked) has been stiff to put on or take off, making it unlikely to be done accidentally. If left in the center (up) position, it can be accidentally bumped to "off" fairly easily.

I once hunted with a young man who had a Swede Mauser carbine, and he was not fully versed in the Mauser safety. As far as he knew, it was off, or on (up). After he complained to me that after moving through the brush with his rifle slung he kept finding the safety had been bumped to off, I showed him the third position, and how stiffly it locked in place. I also advised him to carry the chamber empty when not actually hunting. We both felt more comfortable about his carrying the rifle after that.