3" GP100 Police Trade in

Deaf Smith

New member

Do any of you have experience with a GP100 3 inch barrel police trade in .357? I think they were used in Kentucky?

Are their sights regulated right?

I saw one at a pawnshop for $450 (yea to much but that might be amendable...)

But since it's fixed sighted I sure don't want one that shoots off!



Andy Taylor

New member
By "regulated right" What exactly do you mean? Fixed sight revolvers will normally shoot point of aim for a given load, and be off for others. Typically, but not always, .38/.357 revolvers are regulated for 158 grain loads. Some may be regulated for something else.
I believe that the GP100's have a pinned front sight. If it is off, a replacement sight that is either taller or lower depending upon which is needed could be used.

Deaf Smith

New member
Yes by regulated I mean does it shoot point of aim.

I've heard GPs have more problems in this reguard than the old Security Six (my 'Sixs' all shoot dead on with 158s. Three of them are fixed sighted to.)


Andy Taylor

New member
Security-Sixs are all adjustable sighted. The Service-Six and Speed-Six were the fixed sighted -Six series guns.

As I said, it will be point of aim for a given load, most likely 158 grain.


New member
This is sort of the whole point of a fixed sight revolver.
If it is "off" somewhat with your load, you either adjust your load, or
learn to use Kentucky windage.

There is NO way to say whether a handgun is sighted "properly" without shooting it. Too much depends on the load, your grip, your tendencies to jerk, push, pull, etc when you shoot.

Rarely, a revolver will have its barrel slightly out of rotation, making it shoot either right or left with all ammo. That can be corrected by a competent gunsmith. As stated before, front sights can be replaced for height, if too short... if too long, they can be judiciously filed down.

That is the beauty and simplicity of a fixed sight gun. You find the one load that it likes, and you stay with it. Nothing to tweak, change, or get knocked out of alignment.

edit: all that being said, 450 sounds too high to me, for a police dept trade-in. I would think they would be no more than 350. I would love to have one of these 3" rugers.


New member
My dad has a 3" GP100 (though I don't think it's a police trade-in) and the sights are definitely regulated for 158grn bullets. When shooting 125's, you can't tell a big difference at 15 yards (the shortest range at our local facility) but moving out to 30 yards they shoot about 6" low while 158's are spot-on.

Deaf Smith

New member
Ok it turns out it is NOT a trade-in (well at least US police trade in.)

It has stamped on the frame CAI Georgia VT

And serial number 171- (looks like 1989 is the birth date.)

So I presume it was sold in some other country and re-imported. It is in .357 Magnum for sure.
