3 cheers for Rich, he got tfl working again!


New member
I just wanted to say that--- as well as thanking anyone
else that helped Rich get tfl back on line.

When computer's don't work right, or at all,
it's not much fun fixxing them and sometimes its
almost easier leaving them broke if you can live
with it.

I have some first hand experience at fighting
with uncooperative computers...so I feel for Rich!

Been somewhere similar and done something like that.

Long story -- short; its great to have tfl back!


New member
I agree wholeheartedly.
Mr. Lucibella, thanks for getting this site up and running.
And thanks for starting it in the first place, especially since it appears to be more of a labor of love than anything else.


New member
3 Cheers, Rich



New member
So are you planning on trying the version of the software that was up for a while or are you going to stick with this version. The other one had some cool features.

P.S. Great job on all hte effort you put into this site. It's GREAT!!!!!


New member
Never mind,

I found the answer to my question in the announcements.
Thanks once again for a great site.


New member

Thanks for slaving and sweating away to get the `BBS' back up! As a SysOp myself I know just how much trouble it can be when something decides `to go South' on you.

Oh, BTW, just remember... {BSE GRIN!} "Beware of Geeks bearing gifts."
Thanks all. However, as I said elsewhere....the screw up was my fault. As concerns keeping TFL up and running: cudos are due to an outstanding Staff that moderates these Forums, leaving me time to tinker and break things in the back room.

Yes, we'll go to the new software version, once it's out of beta.