2nd time at the range with my new M&P9


New member
I bought a "new to me" M&P9 last week at the Gun show. It had a XS Big Dot sights on it which gave me some problems at the range last week. At the time I was a little disappointed. After I got home, I looked it up on the computer and figured out the correct "Dot the I" method of using those. So, I couldn't wait to go out and try them again.

I got that chance today... My 13 year and I took it out today to the range and I have to say "SUCCESS!"

I was putting shots pretty much right where I wanted them at 5, 10ish, and 15ish yards. What a difference when you do things correctly. My kid still had a few issues and didn't shoot as consistently as he does with regular sights. Maybe it will just take a few more times.

A little pic of my fun today. These 25 shots were taken mostly at 10ish yards and some at 15 yards.

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New member
Looks like you've got it figured out. I haven't shot a gun with the big dot sight but can see where they would be very handy on defensive pistols.