2d Amendment Foundation MasterCard


Staff Emeritus
The Firing Line, the Staff, the Membership and I are not sponsoring,
supporting, or recommending this offer. On a personal basis, I am merely
informing you that I have found a pro-gun organization involved with a

This is a strictly personal post for information and possible mutual
interest. TFL Members have tried to support pro-freedom organizations in the past
so I thought I’d just brag a bit about the new MasterCard
I just received from MBNA.

Right on the front of the card, in big, bold print, it says,

Second Amendment Foundation (with their logo).

An MBNA representative, (a very nice lady) explained that MBNA will send
(to the Second Amendment Foundation) 2.5% of sales billed to my

I will have a 1.7% APR interest rate until the end of the billing cycle in June
of this year. Then it goes to 15.99% - much better than the 21%+ I pay now.

If I’m late with a payment, my interest rate goes to 15.99% immediately.

The interest rate will change later and there are substantial fees for late
payments, exceeding the credit limit, returned check fee, etc.

There’s a 3% (minimum $5) fee for transferring amounts to and for cash
advances from my new card.

There’s also a whole bunch of “fine print.”

But I’m happy that a portion of everything I buy with a credit card will now
go to an organization which supports our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

I just confirmed with an MBNA representative 1-800-457-3714)
that there is NO annual fee.

(chuckle) I told him about TFL and asked him to please proofread my entry.

Here’s hoping we get another new member. ;)

Again, remember my new MasterCard has NOTHING to do with The Firing
Line. It just seems to me, on a personal basis, to be a good deal. If anything
goes sour on this card, I’ll sound off.

Hmmm. Now if I can get one from the NRA, I can cancel all other MasterCard and Visa accounts.... :D


New member
But I’m happy that a portion of everything I buy with a credit card will now go to an organization which supports our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

2.5% is a healthy percentage for a direct "rebate". That beats the 1% to 2% offered by most of the others.

From open secrets.org:

MBNA America Bank
$2,733,000 -Total contribution 2000
17% -Democratic party
83% -Republican party

It would appear, at least on the surface, that most of the money MBNA collects, then distributes, directly or indirectly, goes to many places I agree with.
Bottom line: If you use credit this looks like a decent arrangement. It's better than my present arrangement, which offers a 2% direct rebate w/select higher rebates on certain purchases, coupled with a financial institution that is split 50-50 along party lines.
Thanks for the info Dennis.

(BTW: If you are paying ANYTHING for a credit card, either in interest, late fees or for a membership fee, there are a number of ways to stop. Nothing magical or illegal, just common sense. Do a google search for "let credit cards work for you". It isn't an easy method to stick to and requires more than a bit of self control, but I can personally vouch for how effective it is. Feel free to email me since the majority of the content is non gun related. No it isn't a scheme or anything. I ran across an article n the paper a number of years ago dealing with credit and credit cards and have been happily collecting rebates every year since. Example: We just bought a new furnace. Along with the new furnace, I got 800 rounds of 9mm ammo for "free," all courtesy of the rebate.)


New member
While I'm sure the SAF card is a good deal, I have an NRA MasterCard.

I try to buy EVERYTHING with my NRA credit card so that a portion of all my purchases are sent to the NRA. Best of all, it doesn't cost me anything to do so. There's no annual fee, it has buyer protection, etc. I don't know what the finanace charges are because I always pay the entire balance at the end of the month.

I don't know how much the NRA gets of every purchase. But I'm sure they're making money on it.

You can apply for an NRA MasterCard at 800-465-2132. This is Fleet Bank's special invitation line. Make sure you tell them you want an NRA credit card - not one of their regular Fleet accounts.


New member
NRA Card

Tortuga, myself also..........I have been using an NRA card for ever since they came out...........
And I have made thousands of dollars of purchases with it....it also does another good thing.
When you present it, people will sometimes ask about the NRA, and also look at you, as an individual.....I think they are surprised, when they see you don't look or act like a Neanderthal, and have green teeth, and your name is not Billy Joe Jimbob.........
Works especially well at restaurants............:)@)


New member
Am I to assume that the Second Amendment Foundation is the one found here? If so, it is a good cause IMHO. Being an Ohioan, I am particularly interested in the concealed carry case in Cincinnatti.