270 Wsm


New member
Before I have to do a ton of research and make a bunch of calls (which I will anyhow), does anyone know if my Dillon RL550B (4 stage progressive) can even be used for 270WSM? I'd need the conversion kit (Haven't spoken with Dillon yet, so I don't know if they make one), and I don't know about the dies. I know other companies make dies (e.g. Redding), But I wouldn't know the best setup to use with the Dillon if even possible. I've loaded plenty of pistol cartridges, but I've never loaded for rifle.
Thanks in advance.


New member
Yes, you can use your dillon 550 for the 270 wsm. I have reloaded over 100 rounds so far for mine. as far as the conversion kit, dillon does have one, I think there is one for all the WSMs (don't quote me on that though). I don't use the powder measure on mine when reloading rifle bullets. As far as dies, I personally like the hornaday dies, but of course you can use any standard die on the dillon.