270 win help


New member
Hi guys...I just recently acquired a h&r combo set up....the rifle barrel is in 270...

I never owned a 270....so I kinda figured this little gun is gona do a lot of riding on the wheeler

So the question is.....I would like a bullet in the 120-130gr range for coyote and maybe deer....any suggestions?? But will mostly be for varmints when I'm out in the sticks

Been looking at the hornady 130sp...maybe a better preforming bullet from the crowd???

Just like an all round good preformer

This is a new cal for me so any help would be great




New member
My preference is sierra game kings. Excellent accuracy, excellent BC (which comes in handy varmint shooting), cost efficient, and good effect on target. That is my .270 fodder. Taken deer past 300 yards that ran less than 30 yards.


New member
I will second the Partitions and will add the Speer Hot Cor in the same weight and with the same powder.


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130 Grain SBT. 4831 powder. Work up your load. These should go close to 2900 FPS. I use a 270 and have killed many a deer with it. Great cartridge.


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For varmint any 100gr or 110gr bullet will do and excellent job. Sierra Blitz King, Sierra Pro Hunter gives excellent accuracy and quick expansion. Hornady SST will also do the trick.


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I've had excellent results on whitetail with the SST. My rifle likes 52.2 of Ramshot Hunter and a standard primer.


New member
thx guys...i knew i could count on somebodies experience to show the way

dont really plan on this thing being a deer gun but i want a bullet that could do it if needed,,if im out during deer season cutting wood or something else,,,you never know when they are gona show up,but not to heavy duty that it just passes through a yote and not put it down quick

thats why i went to the 120-130gr range,,,looks like it could do a lot of things,,,but i only want one load to kinda cover everything i will be doing

something lighter,,,i have that,,,,something heavier,,,i have that

i would have prefered a 243,,,but the price just made this,,,i gotta have it thing,,,and for what i want it to do,,,it just might turn into,,,,well that turned out pretty good sorta thing




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My son shoots Speer BTSP's and IMR 4350 in his Handi Rifle, accuracy is stellar, and it kills deer quickly, Ive seen a lot of Bang Flop shots from that rifle...


New member
My favorite 130 gr bullet for my .270's is Nosler's Ballistic Tip. I have taken a couple of nice Whitetail bucks with it, and would be my choice for coyote as well. Although if I am specifically going after coyotes, I would be packing either a .243 Win with 70 gr Nosler Varmageddon tipped bullets, or an AR with 62 gr HPBT bullets.


New member
I have had good luck out the plain Jane cheap old 130 gr Winchester PowerPoints. Using IMR 4320 I am shooting groups at .655 inches. I have also tried 140 gr Hornady SST (heavier than you mentioned) but they shoot well. Went on a deer hunt with them this past fall and killed three coyotes as dead as can be.


New member
For many years i’ve used 130 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips (generation 1 and 2) over 59 gr (max or near max, depending on your load manual and rifle, so work up to it) of H4831. Killed a couple hundred deer with that load, and many hogs.

Another option worth trying is the Nosler 110 gr Accubond. The 270 will spit that out at about 3500 FPS, which is just about the same as what the 257 Weatherby will shoot a 110 gr Accubond. If I didn’t have a lifetime supply of 130 gr BTs, i’d give that bullet a try.